Game development groups, institutions, collectives and more around Berlin. NEWS COMMUNITY STORE LABS SIGN UP LOGIN LOGOUT ROKOJORI NEWSLETTER SIGN UP LOGIN LOGOUT NEWS COMMUNITY STORE LABS TOGGLE FULLSCREEN VOLLBILD AN/AUS image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml Game Development Berlin
Berlin Game Dev Bubble
image/svg+xml image/svg+xml Berlin Game Dev Bubble image/svg+xml
:://_graphics/news/events/game-dev/game-audio-hang-berlin.jpg image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery Berlin Game Audio Hangout Berlin Game Audio Hangout Game Audio Meetups
On Discord Berlin Game Audio Hangout, an informal meetup designed for professionals and enthusiasts in the game audio industry
LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery Berlin Game Audio Hangout Berlin Game Audio Hangout Game Audio Meetups
On Discord Berlin Game Audio Hangout, an informal meetup designed for professionals and enthusiasts in the game audio industry
::/_graphics/berlin/berlin-game-scene.svg image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery Berlin Game Scene Berlin Game Scene Discord Community, Events, Talk & Play
Website On Mastodon On Discord On Meetup BerlinGameScene is a platform to connect to the Berlin game scene and holds every two months the event Talk & Play. This event gives game developer the change to exhibit their games as well to give talks about different topics.
Its Discord server is also very informative and highly visited.
LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery Berlin Game Scene Berlin Game Scene Discord Community, Events, Talk & Play
Website On Mastodon On Discord On Meetup BerlinGameScene is a platform to connect to the Berlin game scene and holds every two months the event Talk & Play. This event gives game developer the change to exhibit their games as well to give talks about different topics.
Its Discord server is also very informative and highly visited.
:://_graphics/news/events/game-dev/ image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery Berlin Mini Jam Berlin Mini Jam Game Jams
Website On Meetup Berlin Mini Jam holds a regular mini game jam - an event where everybody meets up, choose a theme and then make awesome digital or analog game prototypes out of it, and all that in 8 hours. It's no competition and actually rather relaxed - just for the love of being creative.
LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery Berlin Mini Jam Berlin Mini Jam Game Jams
Website On Meetup Berlin Mini Jam holds a regular mini game jam - an event where everybody meets up, choose a theme and then make awesome digital or analog game prototypes out of it, and all that in 8 hours. It's no competition and actually rather relaxed - just for the love of being creative.
::/_graphics/berlin/game-creators-hangout.jpg image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery Game Creators Hangout Game Creators Hangout Hangout with Game Creators
On Meetup The Game Creators Hangout is one of the largest hangouts with game creators in Berlin. Every first thursday in a month people gather together to talk about game creation and more.
LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery Game Creators Hangout Game Creators Hangout Hangout with Game Creators
On Meetup The Game Creators Hangout is one of the largest hangouts with game creators in Berlin. Every first thursday in a month people gather together to talk about game creation and more.
:://_graphics/berlin/games-academy-berlin.png image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery Games Academy Games Academy School for Games
Website The games academy teaches students for the gaming industry. It offers several courses for different types of educational paths, from game art, game design, producer to programming.
LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery Games Academy Games Academy School for Games
Website The games academy teaches students for the gaming industry. It offers several courses for different types of educational paths, from game art, game design, producer to programming.
::/_graphics/berlin/GodotUserGroupBerlinMastodonHeaderDark.png image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery Godot User Group Berlin Godot User Group Berlin Godot Group with Show & Tell, Coding & More
On Discord On Meetup On Mastodon The Godot User Group Berlin is a group coming together every 2nd and 4th Friday in a month to show and tell about Godot projects, plan game jams and talk about game dev in general.
LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery Godot User Group Berlin Godot User Group Berlin Godot Group with Show & Tell, Coding & More
On Discord On Meetup On Mastodon The Godot User Group Berlin is a group coming together every 2nd and 4th Friday in a month to show and tell about Godot projects, plan game jams and talk about game dev in general.
:://_graphics/berlin/htw-berlin.png image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery HTW Berlin HTW Berlin Game Design Study Program
Website The study program Game Design of the HTW Berlin prepares its students to several roles to work in development studios or other innovative areas around games and toys.
LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery HTW Berlin HTW Berlin Game Design Study Program
Website The study program Game Design of the HTW Berlin prepares its students to several roles to work in development studios or other innovative areas around games and toys.
:://_graphics/berlin/saftladen.png image/svg+xml image/svg+xml image/svg+xml LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery Saftladen Saftladen Indie Games Collective
Website Saftladen are people sharing an office and working in areas related to independent games. The collective includes a lot of indie game studios from Berlin.
LOADING VIDEO LADE VIDEO media-video video media-image img media-video video media-image img parent:media-gallery Saftladen Saftladen Indie Games Collective
Website Saftladen are people sharing an office and working in areas related to independent games. The collective includes a lot of indie game studios from Berlin.

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