RELATED TAGS command line, terminal, ai, procedural image generator
How can I install stable diffusion?
Can I install stable diffusion on my local pc?
Can I generate procedual images with open source libraries?
LINKS stable diffision on githubDownload Python 3.10.6 Installer
Download the installer for Python 3.10.6 (not newer ones, there are not supported).
A lot of code of stable diffusion is written in python, so that's why it's needed.
Install Python
During the installation of python, there will be one window/prompt allowing you to toggle an option called
"Add Python to PATH". This is needed so that other programs find python.
You can now double click the python installer (in the explorer) and run the installation
Install git Install git, if you don't have it already installed.
Open CMD
Open your CMD Change Download Directory
Set your current directory in the CMD to a path where you want Stable Diffusion to be installed.
In this directory, a directory named "stable-diffusion-webui" will be created.
To change the directory, type the command "cd", a white space and than the path to the directory in quotes.
The directory needs to be existing - if it does not yet exist, create one with the explorer.
C:\Users\You>cd"C:\parent-directory-of-stable-diffusion\" Download Stable Diffusion Installation Repository
To download the stable diffusion repository, git is used.
Type the git clone command into CMD with the online path of stable diffusion and press enter:
C:\parent-directory-of-stable-diffusion\>git clone Change Into Stable Diffusion Directory
Now change the directory of CMD to the new created stable diffusion directory.
C:\parent-directory-of-stable-diffusion\>cd "stable-diffusion-webui"C:\parent-directory-of-stable-diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui> Run Stable Diffusion
Since the CMD is now in the directory of stable diffusion you can run a script file that is inside the directory.
This file is used to start the Web-UI of stable diffusion. If you run it the first time, it will install everything
first and than run stable diffusion. The installation needs to download a lot and takes a lot of time (20-200min).
If you did not download any models for stable diffusion, it is now a good time to download them at
Hugging Face or
CivitAIC:\parent-directory-of-stable-diffusion\stable-diffusion-webui>./webui-user.batAPP | VERSION Stable Diffusion v1.4/v1.5/v2, Dec 2022
RELATED TAGS command line, terminal, ai, procedural image generator
How can I install stable diffusion?
Can I install stable diffusion on my local pc?
Can I generate procedual images with open source libraries?