How can I host my own git server?
Can I overwrite the programs of CMD?
What do I need to create my own remote git repository?
LINKS Set SSH key Git on the Server ssh-copy-idLogin
Login on the remote server via ssh as root:
you@local:$ssh-i{fullpath/to/public/key} root@{server-adress} Create GIT user
As root on the server, create a new user that is used to manage the git repo and switch to it: root@server:$sudoadduser {my-git}root@server:$su{my-git} Initialize SSH
Switch to the user directory of the created user and create a directory for ssh and a file for keys {my-git}@server:/root$cd{my-git}@server:~$mkdir.ssh&&chmod700.ssh{my-git}@server:~$touch.ssh/authorized_keys&&chmod700.ssh/authorized_keys
That is all. Now you are ready to add some users by adding their ssh keys.
APP | VERSION Linux/Ubuntu
RELATED TAGS git, server, remote, repository
How can I host my own git server?
Can I overwrite the programs of CMD?
What do I need to create my own remote git repository?