A built-in type for integers.

Signed 64-bit integer type. This means that it can take values from -2^63 to 2^63 - 1, i.e. from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. When it exceeds these bounds, it will wrap around.

ints can be automatically converted to floats when necessary, for example when passing them as arguments in functions. The float will be as close to the original integer as possible.

Likewise, floats can be automatically converted into ints. This will truncate the float, discarding anything after the floating point.

var x: int = 1 # x is 1 x = 4.2 # x is 4, because 4.2 gets truncated var max_int = 9223372036854775807 # Biggest value an int can store max_int += 1 # max_int is -9223372036854775808, because it wrapped around

You can use the 0b literal for binary representation, the 0x literal for hexadecimal representation, and the _ symbol to separate long numbers and improve readability.

var x = 0b1001 # x is 9 var y = 0xF5 # y is 245 var z = 10_000_000 # z is 10000000
int int<>():int

Constructs an int set to 0.

int int<>( int from=, from:int=, ):int

Constructs an int as a copy of the given int.

int int<>( String from=, from:String=, ):int

Constructs a new int from a String, following the same rules as String.to_int.

int int<>( bool from=, from:bool=, ):int

Constructs a new int from a bool. true is converted to 1 and false is converted to 0.

int int<>( float from=, from:float=, ):int

Constructs a new int from a float. This will truncate the float, discarding anything after the floating point.

bool operator !=<>( float right=, right:float=, ):bool

Returns true if the int is not equivalent to the float.

bool operator !=<>( int right=, right:int=, ):bool

Returns true if the ints are not equal.

int operator %<>( int right=, right:int=, ):int

Returns the remainder after dividing two ints. Uses truncated division, which returns a negative number if the dividend is negative. If this is not desired, consider using @GlobalScope.posmod.

print(6 % 2) # Prints 0 print(11 % 4) # Prints 3 print(-5 % 3) # Prints -2
int operator &<>( int right=, right:int=, ):int

Performs the bitwise AND operation.

print(0b1100 & 0b1010) # Prints 8 (binary 1000)

This is useful for retrieving binary flags from a variable.

var flags = 0b101 # Check if the first or second bit are enabled. if flags & 0b011: do_stuff() # This line will run.
Color operator *<>( Color right=, right:Color=, ):Color

Multiplies each component of the Color by the int.

Quaternion operator *<>( Quaternion right=, right:Quaternion=, ):Quaternion

Multiplies each component of the Quaternion by the int. This operation is not meaningful on its own, but it can be used as a part of a larger expression.

Vector2 operator *<>( Vector2 right=, right:Vector2=, ):Vector2

Multiplies each component of the Vector2 by the int.

print(2 * Vector2(1, 4)) # Prints (2, 8)
Vector2i operator *<>( Vector2i right=, right:Vector2i=, ):Vector2i

Multiplies each component of the Vector2i by the int.

Vector3 operator *<>( Vector3 right=, right:Vector3=, ):Vector3

Multiplies each component of the Vector3 by the int.

Vector3i operator *<>( Vector3i right=, right:Vector3i=, ):Vector3i

Multiplies each component of the Vector3i by the int.

Vector4 operator *<>( Vector4 right=, right:Vector4=, ):Vector4

Multiplies each component of the Vector4 by the int.

Vector4i operator *<>( Vector4i right=, right:Vector4i=, ):Vector4i

Multiplies each component of the Vector4i by the int.

float operator *<>( float right=, right:float=, ):float

Multiplies the float by the int. The result is a float.

int operator *<>( int right=, right:int=, ):int

Multiplies the two ints.

float operator **<>( float right=, right:float=, ):float

Raises an int to a power of a float. The result is a float.

print(2 ** 0.5) # Prints 1.4142135623731
int operator **<>( int right=, right:int=, ):int

Raises the left int to a power of the right int.

print(3 ** 4) # Prints 81
float operator +<>( float right=, right:float=, ):float

Adds the int and the float. The result is a float.

int operator +<>( int right=, right:int=, ):int

Adds the two ints.

float operator -<>( float right=, right:float=, ):float

Subtracts the float from the int. The result is a float.

int operator -<>( int right=, right:int=, ):int

Subtracts the two ints.

float operator /<>( float right=, right:float=, ):float

Divides the int by the float. The result is a float.

print(10 / 3.0) # Prints 3.33333333333333
int operator /<>( int right=, right:int=, ):int

Divides the two ints. The result is an int. This will truncate the float, discarding anything after the floating point.

print(6 / 2) # Prints 3 print(5 / 3) # Prints 1
bool operator <<>( float right=, right:float=, ):bool

Returns true if the int is less than the float.

bool operator <<>( int right=, right:int=, ):bool

Returns true if the left int is less than the right int.

int operator <<<>( int right=, right:int=, ):int

Performs the bitwise shift left operation. Effectively the same as multiplying by a power of 2.

print(0b1010 << 1) # Prints 20 (binary 10100) print(0b1010 << 3) # Prints 80 (binary 1010000)
bool operator <=<>( float right=, right:float=, ):bool

Returns true if the int is less than or equal to the float.

bool operator <=<>( int right=, right:int=, ):bool

Returns true if the left int is less than or equal to the right int.

bool operator ==<>( float right=, right:float=, ):bool

Returns true if the int is equal to the float.

bool operator ==<>( int right=, right:int=, ):bool

Returns true if the two ints are equal.

bool operator ><>( float right=, right:float=, ):bool

Returns true if the int is greater than the float.

bool operator ><>( int right=, right:int=, ):bool

Returns true if the left int is greater than the right int.

bool operator >=<>( float right=, right:float=, ):bool

Returns true if the int is greater than or equal to the float.

bool operator >=<>( int right=, right:int=, ):bool

Returns true if the left int is greater than or equal to the right int.

int operator >><>( int right=, right:int=, ):int

Performs the bitwise shift right operation. Effectively the same as dividing by a power of 2.

print(0b1010 >> 1) # Prints 5 (binary 101) print(0b1010 >> 2) # Prints 2 (binary 10)
int operator ^<>( int right=, right:int=, ):int

Performs the bitwise XOR operation.

print(0b1100 ^ 0b1010) # Prints 6 (binary 110)
int operator unary+<>():int

Returns the same value as if the + was not there. Unary + does nothing, but sometimes it can make your code more readable.

int operator unary-<>():int

Returns the negated value of the int. If positive, turns the number negative. If negative, turns the number positive. If zero, does nothing.

int operator |<>( int right=, right:int=, ):int

Performs the bitwise OR operation.

print(0b1100 | 0b1010) # Prints 14 (binary 1110)

This is useful for storing binary flags in a variable.

var flags = 0 flags |= 0b101 # Turn the first and third bits on.
int operator ~<>():int

Performs the bitwise NOT operation on the int. Due to 2's complement, it's effectively equal to -(int + 1).

print(~4) # Prints -5 print(~(-7)) # Prints 6

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