A 2D axis-aligned bounding box using floating-point coordinates.

The Rect2 built-in Variant type represents an axis-aligned rectangle in a 2D space. It is defined by its position and size, which are Vector2. It is frequently used for fast overlap tests (see intersects). Although Rect2 itself is axis-aligned, it can be combined with Transform2D to represent a rotated or skewed rectangle.

For integer coordinates, use Rect2i. The 3D equivalent to Rect2 is AABB.

Rect2 Rect2<>():Rect2

Constructs a Rect2 with its position and size set to Vector2.ZERO.

Rect2 Rect2<>( Rect2 from=, from:Rect2=, ):Rect2

Constructs a Rect2 as a copy of the given Rect2.

Rect2 Rect2<>( Rect2i from=, from:Rect2i=, ):Rect2

Constructs a Rect2 from a Rect2i.

Rect2 Rect2<>( Vector2 position=, position:Vector2=, Vector2 size=, size:Vector2=, ):Rect2

Constructs a Rect2 by position and size.

Rect2 Rect2<>( float x=, x:float=, float y=, y:float=, float width=, width:float=, float height=, height:float=, ):Rect2

Constructs a Rect2 by setting its position to (x, y), and its size to (width, height).

bool operator !=<>( Rect2 right=, right:Rect2=, ):bool

Returns true if the position or size of both rectangles are not equal.

Note: Due to floating-point precision errors, consider using is_equal_approx instead, which is more reliable.

Rect2 operator *<>( Transform2D right=, right:Transform2D=, ):Rect2

Inversely transforms (multiplies) the Rect2 by the given Transform2D transformation matrix, under the assumption that the transformation basis is orthonormal (i.e. rotation/reflection is fine, scaling/skew is not).

rect * transform is equivalent to transform.inverse() * rect. See Transform2D.inverse.

For transforming by inverse of an affine transformation (e.g. with scaling) transform.affine_inverse() * rect can be used instead. See Transform2D.affine_inverse.

bool operator ==<>( Rect2 right=, right:Rect2=, ):bool

Returns true if both position and size of the rectangles are exactly equal, respectively.

Note: Due to floating-point precision errors, consider using is_equal_approx instead, which is more reliable.

Vector2 end<>():Vector2

The ending point. This is usually the bottom-right corner of the rectangle, and is equivalent to position + size. Setting this point affects the size.

Vector2 position<>():Vector2

The origin point. This is usually the top-left corner of the rectangle.

Vector2 size<>():Vector2

The rectangle's width and height, starting from position. Setting this value also affects the end point.

Note: It's recommended setting the width and height to non-negative values, as most methods in Godot assume that the position is the top-left corner, and the end is the bottom-right corner. To get an equivalent rectangle with non-negative size, use abs.

Rect2 abs<>():Rect2

Returns a Rect2 equivalent to this rectangle, with its width and height modified to be non-negative values, and with its position being the top-left corner of the rectangle.

var rect = Rect2(25, 25, -100, -50) var absolute = rect.abs() # absolute is Rect2(-75, -25, 100, 50)

Note: It's recommended to use this method when size is negative, as most other methods in Godot assume that the position is the top-left corner, and the end is the bottom-right corner.

bool encloses<>( Rect2 b=, b:Rect2=, ):bool

Returns true if this rectangle completely encloses the b rectangle.

Rect2 expand<>( Vector2 to=, to:Vector2=, ):Rect2

Returns a copy of this rectangle expanded to align the edges with the given to point, if necessary.

var rect = Rect2(0, 0, 5, 2) rect = rect.expand(Vector2(10, 0)) # rect is Rect2(0, 0, 10, 2) rect = rect.expand(Vector2(-5, 5)) # rect is Rect2(-5, 0, 10, 5)
float get_area<>():float

Returns the rectangle's area. This is equivalent to size.x * size.y. See also has_area.

Vector2 get_center<>():Vector2

Returns the center point of the rectangle. This is the same as position + (size / 2.0).

Rect2 grow<>( float amount=, amount:float=, ):Rect2

Returns a copy of this rectangle extended on all sides by the given amount. A negative amount shrinks the rectangle instead. See also grow_individual and grow_side.

var a = Rect2(4, 4, 8, 8).grow(4) # a is Rect2(0, 0, 16, 16) var b = Rect2(0, 0, 8, 4).grow(2) # b is Rect2(-2, -2, 12, 8)
Rect2 grow_individual<>( float left=, left:float=, float top=, top:float=, float right=, right:float=, float bottom=, bottom:float=, ):Rect2

Returns a copy of this rectangle with its left, top, right, and bottom sides extended by the given amounts. Negative values shrink the sides, instead. See also grow and grow_side.

Rect2 grow_side<>( int side=, side:int=, float amount=, amount:float=, ):Rect2

Returns a copy of this rectangle with its side extended by the given amount (see Side constants). A negative amount shrinks the rectangle, instead. See also grow and grow_individual.

bool has_area<>():bool

Returns true if this rectangle has positive width and height. See also get_area.

bool has_point<>( Vector2 point=, point:Vector2=, ):bool

Returns true if the rectangle contains the given point. By convention, points on the right and bottom edges are not included.

Note: This method is not reliable for Rect2 with a negative size. Use abs first to get a valid rectangle.

Rect2 intersection<>( Rect2 b=, b:Rect2=, ):Rect2

Returns the intersection between this rectangle and b. If the rectangles do not intersect, returns an empty Rect2.

var rect1 = Rect2(0, 0, 5, 10) var rect2 = Rect2(2, 0, 8, 4) var a = rect1.intersection(rect2) # a is Rect2(2, 0, 3, 4)

Note: If you only need to know whether two rectangles are overlapping, use intersects, instead.

bool intersects<>( Rect2 b=, b:Rect2=, bool include_borders=false, include_borders:bool=false, ):bool

Returns true if this rectangle overlaps with the b rectangle. The edges of both rectangles are excluded, unless include_borders is true.

bool is_equal_approx<>( Rect2 rect=, rect:Rect2=, ):bool

Returns true if this rectangle and rect are approximately equal, by calling Vector2.is_equal_approx on the position and the size.

bool is_finite<>():bool

Returns true if this rectangle's values are finite, by calling Vector2.is_finite on the position and the size.

Rect2 merge<>( Rect2 b=, b:Rect2=, ):Rect2

Returns a Rect2 that encloses both this rectangle and b around the edges. See also encloses.

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