A 3×4 matrix representing a 3D transformation.

A 3×4 matrix (3 rows, 4 columns) used for 3D linear transformations. It can represent transformations such as translation, rotation, and scaling. It consists of a basis (first 3 columns) and a Vector3 for the origin (last column).

For a general introduction, see the Matrices and transforms tutorial.

Transform3D Transform3D<>():Transform3D

Constructs a default-initialized Transform3D set to IDENTITY.

Transform3D Transform3D<>( Transform3D from=, from:Transform3D=, ):Transform3D

Constructs a Transform3D as a copy of the given Transform3D.

Transform3D Transform3D<>( Basis basis=, basis:Basis=, Vector3 origin=, origin:Vector3=, ):Transform3D

Constructs a Transform3D from a Basis and Vector3.

Transform3D Transform3D<>( Projection from=, from:Projection=, ):Transform3D

Constructs a Transform3D from a Projection by trimming the last row of the projection matrix (from.x.w, from.y.w, from.z.w, and from.w.w are not copied over).

Transform3D Transform3D<>( Vector3 x_axis=, x_axis:Vector3=, Vector3 y_axis=, y_axis:Vector3=, Vector3 z_axis=, z_axis:Vector3=, Vector3 origin=, origin:Vector3=, ):Transform3D

Constructs a Transform3D from four Vector3 values (matrix columns). Each axis corresponds to local basis vectors (some of which may be scaled).

bool operator !=<>( Transform3D right=, right:Transform3D=, ):bool

Returns true if the transforms are not equal.

Note: Due to floating-point precision errors, consider using is_equal_approx instead, which is more reliable.

AABB operator *<>( AABB right=, right:AABB=, ):AABB

Transforms (multiplies) the AABB by the given Transform3D matrix.

PackedVector3Array operator *<>( PackedVector3Array right=, right:PackedVector3Array=, ):PackedVector3Array

Transforms (multiplies) each element of the Vector3 array by the given Transform3D matrix.

Plane operator *<>( Plane right=, right:Plane=, ):Plane

Transforms (multiplies) the Plane by the given Transform3D transformation matrix.

Transform3D operator *<>( Transform3D right=, right:Transform3D=, ):Transform3D

Composes these two transformation matrices by multiplying them together. This has the effect of transforming the second transform (the child) by the first transform (the parent).

Vector3 operator *<>( Vector3 right=, right:Vector3=, ):Vector3

Transforms (multiplies) the Vector3 by the given Transform3D matrix.

Transform3D operator *<>( float right=, right:float=, ):Transform3D

This operator multiplies all components of the Transform3D, including the origin vector, which scales it uniformly.

Transform3D operator *<>( int right=, right:int=, ):Transform3D

This operator multiplies all components of the Transform3D, including the origin vector, which scales it uniformly.

Transform3D operator /<>( float right=, right:float=, ):Transform3D

This operator divides all components of the Transform3D, including the origin vector, which inversely scales it uniformly.

Transform3D operator /<>( int right=, right:int=, ):Transform3D

This operator divides all components of the Transform3D, including the origin vector, which inversely scales it uniformly.

bool operator ==<>( Transform3D right=, right:Transform3D=, ):bool

Returns true if the transforms are exactly equal.

Note: Due to floating-point precision errors, consider using is_equal_approx instead, which is more reliable.

Basis basis<>():Basis

The basis is a matrix containing 3 Vector3 as its columns: X axis, Y axis, and Z axis. These vectors can be interpreted as the basis vectors of local coordinate system traveling with the object.

Vector3 origin<>():Vector3

The translation offset of the transform (column 3, the fourth column). Equivalent to array index 3.

Transform3D affine_inverse<>():Transform3D

Returns the inverse of the transform, under the assumption that the basis is invertible (must have non-zero determinant).

Transform3D interpolate_with<>( Transform3D xform=, xform:Transform3D=, float weight=, weight:float=, ):Transform3D

Returns a transform interpolated between this transform and another by a given weight (on the range of 0.0 to 1.0).

Transform3D inverse<>():Transform3D

Returns the inverse of the transform, under the assumption that the transformation basis is orthonormal (i.e. rotation/reflection is fine, scaling/skew is not). Use affine_inverse for non-orthonormal transforms (e.g. with scaling).

bool is_equal_approx<>( Transform3D xform=, xform:Transform3D=, ):bool

Returns true if this transform and xform are approximately equal, by running @GlobalScope.is_equal_approx on each component.

bool is_finite<>():bool

Returns true if this transform is finite, by calling @GlobalScope.is_finite on each component.

Transform3D looking_at<>( Vector3 target=, target:Vector3=, Vector3=, Vector3:=, 1=, 1:=, 0 )=, ):0=, bool use_model_front=false, use_model_front:bool=false, ):Transform3D

Returns a copy of the transform rotated such that the forward axis (-Z) points towards the target position.

The up axis (+Y) points as close to the up vector as possible while staying perpendicular to the forward axis. The resulting transform is orthonormalized. The existing rotation, scale, and skew information from the original transform is discarded. The target and up vectors cannot be zero, cannot be parallel to each other, and are defined in global/parent space.

If use_model_front is true, the +Z axis (asset front) is treated as forward (implies +X is left) and points toward the target position. By default, the -Z axis (camera forward) is treated as forward (implies +X is right).

Transform3D orthonormalized<>():Transform3D

Returns the transform with the basis orthogonal (90 degrees), and normalized axis vectors (scale of 1 or -1).

Transform3D rotated<>( Vector3 axis=, axis:Vector3=, float angle=, angle:float=, ):Transform3D

Returns a copy of the transform rotated around the given axis by the given angle (in radians).

The axis must be a normalized vector.

This method is an optimized version of multiplying the given transform X with a corresponding rotation transform R from the left, i.e., R * X.

This can be seen as transforming with respect to the global/parent frame.

Transform3D rotated_local<>( Vector3 axis=, axis:Vector3=, float angle=, angle:float=, ):Transform3D

Returns a copy of the transform rotated around the given axis by the given angle (in radians).

The axis must be a normalized vector.

This method is an optimized version of multiplying the given transform X with a corresponding rotation transform R from the right, i.e., X * R.

This can be seen as transforming with respect to the local frame.

Transform3D scaled<>( Vector3 scale=, scale:Vector3=, ):Transform3D

Returns a copy of the transform scaled by the given scale factor.

This method is an optimized version of multiplying the given transform X with a corresponding scaling transform S from the left, i.e., S * X.

This can be seen as transforming with respect to the global/parent frame.

Transform3D scaled_local<>( Vector3 scale=, scale:Vector3=, ):Transform3D

Returns a copy of the transform scaled by the given scale factor.

This method is an optimized version of multiplying the given transform X with a corresponding scaling transform S from the right, i.e., X * S.

This can be seen as transforming with respect to the local frame.

Transform3D translated<>( Vector3 offset=, offset:Vector3=, ):Transform3D

Returns a copy of the transform translated by the given offset.

This method is an optimized version of multiplying the given transform X with a corresponding translation transform T from the left, i.e., T * X.

This can be seen as transforming with respect to the global/parent frame.

Transform3D translated_local<>( Vector3 offset=, offset:Vector3=, ):Transform3D

Returns a copy of the transform translated by the given offset.

This method is an optimized version of multiplying the given transform X with a corresponding translation transform T from the right, i.e., X * T.

This can be seen as transforming with respect to the local frame.

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