Stores globally-accessible variables.

Stores variables that can be accessed from everywhere. Use get_setting, set_setting or has_setting to access them. Variables stored in project.godot are also loaded into ProjectSettings, making this object very useful for reading custom game configuration options.

When naming a Project Settings property, use the full path to the setting including the category. For example, "application/config/name" for the project name. Category and property names can be viewed in the Project Settings dialog.

Feature tags: Project settings can be overridden for specific platforms and configurations (debug, release, ...) using feature tags.

Overriding: Any project setting can be overridden by creating a file named override.cfg in the project's root directory. This can also be used in exported projects by placing this file in the same directory as the project binary. Overriding will still take the base project settings' feature tags in account. Therefore, make sure to also override the setting with the desired feature tags if you want them to override base project settings on all platforms and configurations.

settings_changed settings_changed<>():settings_changed

Emitted when any setting is changed, up to once per process frame.

Color application/boot_splash/bg_color<>():Color

Background color for the boot splash.

bool application/boot_splash/fullsize<>():bool

If true, scale the boot splash image to the full window size (preserving the aspect ratio) when the engine starts. If false, the engine will leave it at the default pixel size.

String application/boot_splash/image<>():String

Path to an image used as the boot splash. If left empty, the default Godot Engine splash will be displayed instead.

Note: Only effective if application/boot_splash/show_image is true.

Note: The only supported format is PNG. Using another image format will result in an error.

int application/boot_splash/minimum_display_time<>():int

Minimum boot splash display time (in milliseconds). It is not recommended to set too high values for this setting.

bool application/boot_splash/show_image<>():bool

If true, displays the image specified in application/boot_splash/image when the engine starts. If false, only displays the plain color specified in application/boot_splash/bg_color.

bool application/boot_splash/use_filter<>():bool

If true, applies linear filtering when scaling the image (recommended for high-resolution artwork). If false, uses nearest-neighbor interpolation (recommended for pixel art).

bool application/config/auto_accept_quit<>():bool

If true, the application automatically accepts quitting requests.

String application/config/custom_user_dir_name<>():String

This user directory is used for storing persistent data (user:// filesystem). If a custom directory name is defined, this name will be appended to the system-specific user data directory (same parent folder as the Godot configuration folder documented in OS.get_user_data_dir).

The application/config/use_custom_user_dir setting must be enabled for this to take effect.

String application/config/description<>():String

The project's description, displayed as a tooltip in the Project Manager when hovering the project.

String application/config/icon<>():String

Icon used for the project, set when project loads. Exporters will also use this icon as a fallback if necessary.

String application/config/macos_native_icon<>():String

Icon set in .icns format used on macOS to set the game's icon. This is done automatically on start by calling DisplayServer.set_native_icon.

String application/config/name<>():String

The project's name. It is used both by the Project Manager and by exporters. The project name can be translated by translating its value in localization files. The window title will be set to match the project name automatically on startup.

Note: Changing this value will also change the user data folder's path if application/config/use_custom_user_dir is false. After renaming the project, you will no longer be able to access existing data in user:// unless you rename the old folder to match the new project name. See Data paths in the documentation for more information.

Dictionary application/config/name_localized<>():Dictionary

Translations of the project's name. This setting is used by OS tools to translate application name on Android, iOS and macOS.

String application/config/project_settings_override<>():String

Specifies a file to override project settings. For example: user://custom_settings.cfg. See "Overriding" in the ProjectSettings class description at the top for more information.

Note: Regardless of this setting's value, res://override.cfg will still be read to override the project settings.

bool application/config/quit_on_go_back<>():bool

If true, the application quits automatically when navigating back (e.g. using the system "Back" button on Android).

bool application/config/use_custom_user_dir<>():bool

If true, the project will save user data to its own user directory. If application/config/custom_user_dir_name is empty, <OS user data directory>/<project name> directory will be used. If false, the project will save user data to <OS user data directory>/Godot/app_userdata/<project name>.

See also File paths in Godot projects. This setting is only effective on desktop platforms.

bool application/config/use_hidden_project_data_directory<>():bool

If true, the project will use a hidden directory (.godot) for storing project-specific data (metadata, shader cache, etc.).

If false, a non-hidden directory (godot) will be used instead.

Note: Restart the application after changing this setting.

Note: Changing this value can help on platforms or with third-party tools where hidden directory patterns are disallowed. Only modify this setting if you know that your environment requires it, as changing the default can impact compatibility with some external tools or plugins which expect the default .godot folder.

String application/config/version<>():String

The project's human-readable version identifier. This is used by exporters if the version identifier isn't overridden there. If application/config/version is an empty string and the version identifier isn't overridden in an exporter, the exporter will use 1.0.0 as a version identifier.

String application/config/windows_native_icon<>():String

Icon set in .ico format used on Windows to set the game's icon. This is done automatically on start by calling DisplayServer.set_native_icon.

bool application/run/delta_smoothing<>():bool

Time samples for frame deltas are subject to random variation introduced by the platform, even when frames are displayed at regular intervals thanks to V-Sync. This can lead to jitter. Delta smoothing can often give a better result by filtering the input deltas to correct for minor fluctuations from the refresh rate.

Note: Delta smoothing is only attempted when display/window/vsync/vsync_mode is set to enabled, as it does not work well without V-Sync.

It may take several seconds at a stable frame rate before the smoothing is initially activated. It will only be active on machines where performance is adequate to render frames at the refresh rate.

bool application/run/disable_stderr<>():bool

If true, disables printing to standard error. If true, this also hides error and warning messages printed by @GlobalScope.push_error and @GlobalScope.push_warning. See also application/run/disable_stdout.

Changes to this setting will only be applied upon restarting the application.

bool application/run/disable_stdout<>():bool

If true, disables printing to standard output. This is equivalent to starting the editor or project with the --quiet command line argument. See also application/run/disable_stderr.

Changes to this setting will only be applied upon restarting the application.

bool application/run/flush_stdout_on_print<>():bool

If true, flushes the standard output stream every time a line is printed. This affects both terminal logging and file logging.

When running a project, this setting must be enabled if you want logs to be collected by service managers such as systemd/journalctl. This setting is disabled by default on release builds, since flushing on every printed line will negatively affect performance if lots of lines are printed in a rapid succession. Also, if this setting is enabled, logged files will still be written successfully if the application crashes or is otherwise killed by the user (without being closed "normally").

Note: Regardless of this setting, the standard error stream (stderr) is always flushed when a line is printed to it.

Changes to this setting will only be applied upon restarting the application.

bool application/run/flush_stdout_on_print.debug<>():bool

Debug build override for application/run/flush_stdout_on_print, as performance is less important during debugging.

Changes to this setting will only be applied upon restarting the application.

int application/run/frame_delay_msec<>():int

Forces a constant delay between frames in the main loop (in milliseconds). In most situations, application/run/max_fps should be preferred as an FPS limiter as it's more precise.

This setting can be overridden using the --frame-delay <ms;> command line argument.

bool application/run/low_processor_mode<>():bool

If true, enables low-processor usage mode. This setting only works on desktop platforms. The screen is not redrawn if nothing changes visually. This is meant for writing applications and editors, but is pretty useless (and can hurt performance) in most games.

int application/run/low_processor_mode_sleep_usec<>():int

Amount of sleeping between frames when the low-processor usage mode is enabled (in microseconds). Higher values will result in lower CPU usage.

String application/run/main_loop_type<>():String

The name of the type implementing the engine's main loop.

String application/run/main_scene<>():String

Path to the main scene file that will be loaded when the project runs.

int application/run/max_fps<>():int

Maximum number of frames per second allowed. A value of 0 means "no limit". The actual number of frames per second may still be below this value if the CPU or GPU cannot keep up with the project logic and rendering.

Limiting the FPS can be useful to reduce system power consumption, which reduces heat and noise emissions (and improves battery life on mobile devices).

If display/window/vsync/vsync_mode is set to Enabled or Adaptive, it takes precedence and the forced FPS number cannot exceed the monitor's refresh rate.

If display/window/vsync/vsync_mode is Enabled, on monitors with variable refresh rate enabled (G-Sync/FreeSync), using a FPS limit a few frames lower than the monitor's refresh rate will reduce input lag while avoiding tearing.

If display/window/vsync/vsync_mode is Disabled, limiting the FPS to a high value that can be consistently reached on the system can reduce input lag compared to an uncapped framerate. Since this works by ensuring the GPU load is lower than 100%, this latency reduction is only effective in GPU-bottlenecked scenarios, not CPU-bottlenecked scenarios.

See also physics/common/physics_ticks_per_second.

This setting can be overridden using the --max-fps <fps> command line argument (including with a value of 0 for unlimited framerate).

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To change the rendering FPS cap at runtime, set Engine.max_fps instead.

float audio/buses/channel_disable_threshold_db<>():float

Audio buses will disable automatically when sound goes below a given dB threshold for a given time. This saves CPU as effects assigned to that bus will no longer do any processing.

float audio/buses/channel_disable_time<>():float

Audio buses will disable automatically when sound goes below a given dB threshold for a given time. This saves CPU as effects assigned to that bus will no longer do any processing.

String audio/buses/default_bus_layout<>():String

Default AudioBusLayout resource file to use in the project, unless overridden by the scene.

String audio/driver/driver<>():String

Specifies the audio driver to use. This setting is platform-dependent as each platform supports different audio drivers. If left empty, the default audio driver will be used.

The Dummy audio driver disables all audio playback and recording, which is useful for non-game applications as it reduces CPU usage. It also prevents the engine from appearing as an application playing audio in the OS' audio mixer.

Note: The driver in use can be overridden at runtime via the --audio-driver command line argument.

bool audio/driver/enable_input<>():bool

If true, microphone input will be allowed. This requires appropriate permissions to be set when exporting to Android or iOS.

Note: If the operating system blocks access to audio input devices (due to the user's privacy settings), audio capture will only return silence. On Windows 10 and later, make sure that apps are allowed to access the microphone in the OS' privacy settings.

int audio/driver/mix_rate<>():int

The mixing rate used for audio (in Hz). In general, it's better to not touch this and leave it to the host operating system.

int audio/driver/mix_rate.web<>():int

Safer override for audio/driver/mix_rate in the Web platform. Here 0 means "let the browser choose" (since some browsers do not like forcing the mix rate).

int audio/driver/output_latency<>():int

Specifies the preferred output latency in milliseconds for audio. Lower values will result in lower audio latency at the cost of increased CPU usage. Low values may result in audible cracking on slower hardware.

Audio output latency may be constrained by the host operating system and audio hardware drivers. If the host can not provide the specified audio output latency then Godot will attempt to use the nearest latency allowed by the host. As such you should always use AudioServer.get_output_latency to determine the actual audio output latency.

Audio output latency can be overridden using the --audio-output-latency <ms> command line argument.

Note: This setting is ignored on Android, and on all versions of Windows prior to Windows 10.

int audio/driver/output_latency.web<>():int

Safer override for audio/driver/output_latency in the Web platform, to avoid audio issues especially on mobile devices.

float audio/general/2d_panning_strength<>():float

The base strength of the panning effect for all AudioStreamPlayer2D nodes. The panning strength can be further scaled on each Node using AudioStreamPlayer2D.panning_strength. A value of 0.0 disables stereo panning entirely, leaving only volume attenuation in place. A value of 1.0 completely mutes one of the channels if the sound is located exactly to the left (or right) of the listener.

The default value of 0.5 is tuned for headphones. When using speakers, you may find lower values to sound better as speakers have a lower stereo separation compared to headphones.

float audio/general/3d_panning_strength<>():float

The base strength of the panning effect for all AudioStreamPlayer3D nodes. The panning strength can be further scaled on each Node using AudioStreamPlayer3D.panning_strength. A value of 0.0 disables stereo panning entirely, leaving only volume attenuation in place. A value of 1.0 completely mutes one of the channels if the sound is located exactly to the left (or right) of the listener.

The default value of 0.5 is tuned for headphones. When using speakers, you may find lower values to sound better as speakers have a lower stereo separation compared to headphones.

bool audio/general/ios/mix_with_others<>():bool

Sets the mixWithOthers option for the AVAudioSession on iOS. This will override the mix behavior, if the category is set to Play and Record, Playback, or Multi Route.

Ambient always has this set per default.

int audio/general/ios/session_category<>():int

Sets the AVAudioSessionCategory on iOS. Use the Playback category to get sound output, even if the phone is in silent mode.

bool audio/general/text_to_speech<>():bool

If true, text-to-speech support is enabled, see DisplayServer.tts_get_voices and DisplayServer.tts_speak.

Note: Enabling TTS can cause addition idle CPU usage and interfere with the sleep mode, so consider disabling it if TTS is not used.

int audio/video/video_delay_compensation_ms<>():int

Setting to hardcode audio delay when playing video. Best to leave this unchanged unless you know what you are doing.

bool collada/use_ambient<>():bool

If true, ambient lights will be imported from COLLADA models as DirectionalLight3D. If false, ambient lights will be ignored.

int compression/formats/gzip/compression_level<>():int

The default compression level for gzip. Affects compressed scenes and resources. Higher levels result in smaller files at the cost of compression speed. Decompression speed is mostly unaffected by the compression level. -1 uses the default gzip compression level, which is identical to 6 but could change in the future due to underlying zlib updates.

int compression/formats/zlib/compression_level<>():int

The default compression level for Zlib. Affects compressed scenes and resources. Higher levels result in smaller files at the cost of compression speed. Decompression speed is mostly unaffected by the compression level. -1 uses the default gzip compression level, which is identical to 6 but could change in the future due to underlying zlib updates.

int compression/formats/zstd/compression_level<>():int

The default compression level for Zstandard. Affects compressed scenes and resources. Higher levels result in smaller files at the cost of compression speed. Decompression speed is mostly unaffected by the compression level.

bool compression/formats/zstd/long_distance_matching<>():bool

Enables long-distance matching in Zstandard.

int compression/formats/zstd/window_log_size<>():int

Largest size limit (in power of 2) allowed when compressing using long-distance matching with Zstandard. Higher values can result in better compression, but will require more memory when compressing and decompressing.

Color debug/canvas_items/debug_redraw_color<>():Color

If canvas item redraw debugging is active, this color will be flashed on canvas items when they redraw.

float debug/canvas_items/debug_redraw_time<>():float

If canvas item redraw debugging is active, this will be the time the flash will last each time they redraw.

bool debug/file_logging/enable_file_logging<>():bool

If true, logs all output and error messages to files. See also debug/file_logging/log_path, debug/file_logging/max_log_files, and application/run/flush_stdout_on_print.

bool debug/file_logging/enable_file_logging.pc<>():bool

Desktop override for debug/file_logging/enable_file_logging, as log files are not readily accessible on mobile/Web platforms.

String debug/file_logging/log_path<>():String

Path at which to store log files for the project. Using a path under user:// is recommended.

This can be specified manually on the command line using the --log-file <file> command line argument. If this command line argument is specified, log rotation is automatically disabled (see debug/file_logging/max_log_files).

int debug/file_logging/max_log_files<>():int

Specifies the maximum number of log files allowed (used for rotation). Set to 1 to disable log file rotation.

If the --log-file <file> command line argument is used, log rotation is always disabled.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/assert_always_false<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when an assert call always evaluates to false.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/assert_always_true<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when an assert call always evaluates to true.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/confusable_identifier<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when an identifier contains characters that can be confused with something else, like when mixing different alphabets.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/confusable_local_declaration<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when an identifier declared in the nested block has the same name as an identifier declared below in the parent block.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/confusable_local_usage<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when an identifier that will be shadowed below in the block is used.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/constant_used_as_function<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when a constant is used as a function.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/deprecated_keyword<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when deprecated keywords are used.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/empty_file<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when an empty file is parsed.

bool debug/gdscript/warnings/enable<>():bool

If true, enables specific GDScript warnings (see debug/gdscript/warnings/* settings). If false, disables all GDScript warnings.

bool debug/gdscript/warnings/exclude_addons<>():bool

If true, scripts in the res://addons folder will not generate warnings.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/function_used_as_property<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when using a function as if it is a property.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/get_node_default_without_onready<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when Node.get_node (or the shorthand $) is used as default value of a class variable without the @onready annotation.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/incompatible_ternary<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when a ternary operator may emit values with incompatible types.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/inference_on_variant<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when a static inferred type uses a Variant as initial value, which makes the static type to also be Variant.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/inferred_declaration<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when a variable, constant, or parameter has an implicitly inferred static type.

Note: This warning is recommended in addition to debug/gdscript/warnings/untyped_declaration if you want to always specify the type explicitly. Having INFERRED_DECLARATION warning level higher than UNTYPED_DECLARATION warning level makes little sense and is not recommended.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/int_as_enum_without_cast<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when trying to use an integer as an enum without an explicit cast.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/int_as_enum_without_match<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when trying to use an integer as an enum when there is no matching enum member for that numeric value.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/integer_division<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when dividing an integer by another integer (the decimal part will be discarded).

int debug/gdscript/warnings/narrowing_conversion<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when passing a floating-point value to a function that expects an integer (it will be converted and lose precision).

int debug/gdscript/warnings/native_method_override<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when a method in the script overrides a native method, because it may not behave as expected.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/onready_with_export<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when the @onready annotation is used together with the @export annotation, since it may not behave as expected.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/property_used_as_function<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when using a property as if it is a function.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/redundant_await<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when a function that is not a coroutine is called with await.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/redundant_static_unload<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when the @static_unload annotation is used in a script without any static variables.

bool debug/gdscript/warnings/renamed_in_godot_4_hint<>():bool

When enabled, using a property, enum, or function that was renamed since Godot 3 will produce a hint if an error occurs.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/return_value_discarded<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when calling a function without using its return value (by assigning it to a variable or using it as a function argument). Such return values are sometimes used to denote possible errors using the Error enum.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/shadowed_global_identifier<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when defining a local or member variable, signal, or enum that would have the same name as a built-in function or global class name, thus shadowing it.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/shadowed_variable<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when defining a local or member variable that would shadow a member variable that the class defines.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/shadowed_variable_base_class<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when defining a local or subclass member variable that would shadow a variable that is inherited from a parent class.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/standalone_expression<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when calling an expression that has no effect on the surrounding code, such as writing 2 + 2 as a statement.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/standalone_ternary<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when calling a ternary expression that has no effect on the surrounding code, such as writing 42 if active else 0 as a statement.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/static_called_on_instance<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when calling a static method from an instance of a class instead of from the class directly.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/unassigned_variable<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when using a variable that wasn't previously assigned.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/unassigned_variable_op_assign<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when assigning a variable using an assignment operator like += if the variable wasn't previously assigned.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/unreachable_code<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when unreachable code is detected (such as after a return statement that will always be executed).

int debug/gdscript/warnings/unreachable_pattern<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when an unreachable match pattern is detected.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/unsafe_call_argument<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when using an expression whose type may not be compatible with the function parameter expected.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/unsafe_cast<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when performing an unsafe cast.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/unsafe_method_access<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when calling a method whose presence is not guaranteed at compile-time in the class.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/unsafe_property_access<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when accessing a property whose presence is not guaranteed at compile-time in the class.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/unsafe_void_return<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when returning a call from a void function when such call cannot be guaranteed to be also void.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/untyped_declaration<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when a variable or parameter has no static type, or if a function has no static return type.

Note: This warning is recommended together with EditorSettings.text_editor/completion/add_type_hints to help achieve type safety.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/unused_local_constant<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when a local constant is never used.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/unused_parameter<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when a function parameter is never used.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/unused_private_class_variable<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when a private member variable is never used.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/unused_signal<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when a signal is declared but never emitted.

int debug/gdscript/warnings/unused_variable<>():int

When set to warn or error, produces a warning or an error respectively when a local variable is unused.

String debug/settings/crash_handler/message<>():String

Message to be displayed before the backtrace when the engine crashes. By default, this message is only used in exported projects due to the editor-only override applied to this setting.

String debug/settings/crash_handler/message.editor<>():String

Editor-only override for debug/settings/crash_handler/message. Does not affect exported projects in debug or release mode.

int debug/settings/gdscript/max_call_stack<>():int

Maximum call stack allowed for debugging GDScript.

int debug/settings/profiler/max_functions<>():int

Maximum number of functions per frame allowed when profiling.

bool debug/settings/stdout/print_fps<>():bool

Print frames per second to standard output every second.

bool debug/settings/stdout/print_gpu_profile<>():bool

Print GPU profile information to standard output every second. This includes how long each frame takes the GPU to render on average, broken down into different steps of the render pipeline, such as CanvasItems, shadows, glow, etc.

bool debug/settings/stdout/verbose_stdout<>():bool

Print more information to standard output when running. It displays information such as memory leaks, which scenes and resources are being loaded, etc. This can also be enabled using the --verbose or -v command line argument, even on an exported project. See also OS.is_stdout_verbose and @GlobalScope.print_verbose.

bool debug/shader_language/warnings/device_limit_exceeded<>():bool

When set to true, produces a warning when the shader exceeds certain device limits. Currently, the only device limit checked is the limit on uniform buffer size. More device limits will be added in the future.

bool debug/shader_language/warnings/enable<>():bool

If true, enables specific shader warnings (see debug/shader_language/warnings/* settings). If false, disables all shader warnings.

bool debug/shader_language/warnings/float_comparison<>():bool

When set to true, produces a warning when two floating point numbers are compared directly with the == operator or the != operator.

bool debug/shader_language/warnings/formatting_error<>():bool

When set to true, produces a warning upon encountering certain formatting errors. Currently this only checks for empty statements. More formatting errors may be added over time.

bool debug/shader_language/warnings/treat_warnings_as_errors<>():bool

When set to true, warnings are treated as errors.

bool debug/shader_language/warnings/unused_constant<>():bool

When set to true, produces a warning when a constant is never used.

bool debug/shader_language/warnings/unused_function<>():bool

When set to true, produces a warning when a function is never used.

bool debug/shader_language/warnings/unused_local_variable<>():bool

When set to true, produces a warning when a local variable is never used.

bool debug/shader_language/warnings/unused_struct<>():bool

When set to true, produces a warning when a struct is never used.

bool debug/shader_language/warnings/unused_uniform<>():bool

When set to true, produces a warning when a uniform is never used.

bool debug/shader_language/warnings/unused_varying<>():bool

When set to true, produces a warning when a varying is never used.

Color debug/shapes/avoidance/agents_radius_color<>():Color

Color of the avoidance agents radius, visible when "Visible Avoidance" is enabled in the Debug menu.

bool debug/shapes/avoidance/enable_agents_radius<>():bool

If enabled, displays avoidance agents radius when "Visible Avoidance" is enabled in the Debug menu.

bool debug/shapes/avoidance/enable_obstacles_radius<>():bool

If enabled, displays avoidance obstacles radius when "Visible Avoidance" is enabled in the Debug menu.

bool debug/shapes/avoidance/enable_obstacles_static<>():bool

If enabled, displays static avoidance obstacles when "Visible Avoidance" is enabled in the Debug menu.

Color debug/shapes/avoidance/obstacles_radius_color<>():Color

Color of the avoidance obstacles radius, visible when "Visible Avoidance" is enabled in the Debug menu.

Color debug/shapes/avoidance/obstacles_static_edge_pushin_color<>():Color

Color of the static avoidance obstacles edges when their vertices are winded in order to push agents in, visible when "Visible Avoidance" is enabled in the Debug menu.

Color debug/shapes/avoidance/obstacles_static_edge_pushout_color<>():Color

Color of the static avoidance obstacles edges when their vertices are winded in order to push agents out, visible when "Visible Avoidance" is enabled in the Debug menu.

Color debug/shapes/avoidance/obstacles_static_face_pushin_color<>():Color

Color of the static avoidance obstacles faces when their vertices are winded in order to push agents in, visible when "Visible Avoidance" is enabled in the Debug menu.

Color debug/shapes/avoidance/obstacles_static_face_pushout_color<>():Color

Color of the static avoidance obstacles faces when their vertices are winded in order to push agents out, visible when "Visible Avoidance" is enabled in the Debug menu.

Color debug/shapes/collision/contact_color<>():Color

Color of the contact points between collision shapes, visible when "Visible Collision Shapes" is enabled in the Debug menu.

bool debug/shapes/collision/draw_2d_outlines<>():bool

Sets whether 2D physics will display collision outlines in game when "Visible Collision Shapes" is enabled in the Debug menu.

int debug/shapes/collision/max_contacts_displayed<>():int

Maximum number of contact points between collision shapes to display when "Visible Collision Shapes" is enabled in the Debug menu.

Color debug/shapes/collision/shape_color<>():Color

Color of the collision shapes, visible when "Visible Collision Shapes" is enabled in the Debug menu.

Color debug/shapes/navigation/agent_path_color<>():Color

Color to display enabled navigation agent paths when an agent has debug enabled.

float debug/shapes/navigation/agent_path_point_size<>():float

Rasterized size (pixel) used to render navigation agent path points when an agent has debug enabled.

Color debug/shapes/navigation/edge_connection_color<>():Color

Color to display edge connections between navigation regions, visible when "Visible Navigation" is enabled in the Debug menu.

bool debug/shapes/navigation/enable_agent_paths<>():bool

If enabled, displays navigation agent paths when an agent has debug enabled.

bool debug/shapes/navigation/enable_agent_paths_xray<>():bool

If enabled, displays navigation agent paths through geometry when an agent has debug enabled.

bool debug/shapes/navigation/enable_edge_connections<>():bool

If enabled, displays edge connections between navigation regions when "Visible Navigation" is enabled in the Debug menu.

bool debug/shapes/navigation/enable_edge_connections_xray<>():bool

If enabled, displays edge connections between navigation regions through geometry when "Visible Navigation" is enabled in the Debug menu.

bool debug/shapes/navigation/enable_edge_lines<>():bool

If enabled, displays navigation mesh polygon edges when "Visible Navigation" is enabled in the Debug menu.

bool debug/shapes/navigation/enable_edge_lines_xray<>():bool

If enabled, displays navigation mesh polygon edges through geometry when "Visible Navigation" is enabled in the Debug menu.

bool debug/shapes/navigation/enable_geometry_face_random_color<>():bool

If enabled, colorizes each navigation mesh polygon face with a random color when "Visible Navigation" is enabled in the Debug menu.

bool debug/shapes/navigation/enable_link_connections<>():bool

If enabled, displays navigation link connections when "Visible Navigation" is enabled in the Debug menu.

bool debug/shapes/navigation/enable_link_connections_xray<>():bool

If enabled, displays navigation link connections through geometry when "Visible Navigation" is enabled in the Debug menu.

Color debug/shapes/navigation/geometry_edge_color<>():Color

Color to display enabled navigation mesh polygon edges, visible when "Visible Navigation" is enabled in the Debug menu.

Color debug/shapes/navigation/geometry_edge_disabled_color<>():Color

Color to display disabled navigation mesh polygon edges, visible when "Visible Navigation" is enabled in the Debug menu.

Color debug/shapes/navigation/geometry_face_color<>():Color

Color to display enabled navigation mesh polygon faces, visible when "Visible Navigation" is enabled in the Debug menu.

Color debug/shapes/navigation/geometry_face_disabled_color<>():Color

Color to display disabled navigation mesh polygon faces, visible when "Visible Navigation" is enabled in the Debug menu.

Color debug/shapes/navigation/link_connection_color<>():Color

Color to use to display navigation link connections, visible when "Visible Navigation" is enabled in the Debug menu.

Color debug/shapes/navigation/link_connection_disabled_color<>():Color

Color to use to display disabled navigation link connections, visible when "Visible Navigation" is enabled in the Debug menu.

Color debug/shapes/paths/geometry_color<>():Color

Color of the curve path geometry, visible when "Visible Paths" is enabled in the Debug menu.

float debug/shapes/paths/geometry_width<>():float

Line width of the curve path geometry, visible when "Visible Paths" is enabled in the Debug menu.

String display/display_server/driver<>():String

Sets the driver to be used by the display server. This property can not be edited directly, instead, set the driver using the platform-specific overrides.

String display/display_server/<>():String

Android override for display/display_server/driver.

String display/display_server/driver.ios<>():String

iOS override for display/display_server/driver.

String display/display_server/driver.linuxbsd<>():String

LinuxBSD override for display/display_server/driver.

String display/display_server/driver.macos<>():String

MacOS override for display/display_server/driver.

String display/display_server/<>():String

Windows override for display/display_server/driver.

String display/mouse_cursor/custom_image<>():String

Custom image for the mouse cursor (limited to 256×256).

Vector2 display/mouse_cursor/custom_image_hotspot<>():Vector2

Hotspot for the custom mouse cursor image.

Vector2 display/mouse_cursor/tooltip_position_offset<>():Vector2

Position offset for tooltips, relative to the mouse cursor's hotspot.

bool display/window/dpi/allow_hidpi<>():bool

If true, allows HiDPI display on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and Web. If false, the platform's low-DPI fallback will be used on HiDPI displays, which causes the window to be displayed in a blurry or pixelated manner (and can cause various window management bugs). Therefore, it is recommended to make your project scale to multiple resolutions instead of disabling this setting.

Note: This setting has no effect on Linux as DPI-awareness fallbacks are not supported there.

bool display/window/energy_saving/keep_screen_on<>():bool

If true, keeps the screen on (even in case of inactivity), so the screensaver does not take over. Works on desktop and mobile platforms.

bool display/window/energy_saving/keep_screen_on.editor<>():bool

Editor-only override for display/window/energy_saving/keep_screen_on. Does not affect exported projects in debug or release mode.

int display/window/handheld/orientation<>():int

The default screen orientation to use on mobile devices. See ScreenOrientation for possible values.

Note: When set to a portrait orientation, this project setting does not flip the project resolution's width and height automatically. Instead, you have to set display/window/size/viewport_width and display/window/size/viewport_height accordingly.

bool display/window/ios/allow_high_refresh_rate<>():bool

If true, iOS devices that support high refresh rate/"ProMotion" will be allowed to render at up to 120 frames per second.

bool display/window/ios/hide_home_indicator<>():bool

If true, the home indicator is hidden automatically. This only affects iOS devices without a physical home button.

bool display/window/ios/hide_status_bar<>():bool

If true, the status bar is hidden while the app is running.

bool display/window/ios/suppress_ui_gesture<>():bool

If true, it will require two swipes to access iOS UI that uses gestures.

Note: This setting has no effect on the home indicator if hide_home_indicator is true.

bool display/window/per_pixel_transparency/allowed<>():bool

If true, allows per-pixel transparency for the window background. This affects performance, so leave it on false unless you need it. See also display/window/size/transparent and rendering/viewport/transparent_background.

bool display/window/size/always_on_top<>():bool

Forces the main window to be always on top.

Note: This setting is ignored on iOS, Android, and Web.

bool display/window/size/borderless<>():bool

Forces the main window to be borderless.

Note: This setting is ignored on iOS, Android, and Web.

bool display/window/size/extend_to_title<>():bool

Main window content is expanded to the full size of the window. Unlike a borderless window, the frame is left intact and can be used to resize the window, and the title bar is transparent, but has minimize/maximize/close buttons.

Note: This setting is implemented only on macOS.

Vector2i display/window/size/initial_position<>():Vector2i

Main window initial position (in virtual desktop coordinates), this setting is used only if display/window/size/initial_position_type is set to "Absolute" (0).

Note: This setting only affects the exported project, or when the project is run from the command line. In the editor, the value of is used instead.

int display/window/size/initial_position_type<>():int

Main window initial position.

0 - "Absolute", display/window/size/initial_position is used to set window position.

1 - "Primary Screen Center".

2 - "Other Screen Center", display/window/size/initial_screen is used to set the screen.

Note: This setting only affects the exported project, or when the project is run from the command line. In the editor, the value of is used instead.

int display/window/size/initial_screen<>():int

Main window initial screen, this setting is used only if display/window/size/initial_position_type is set to "Other Screen Center" (2).

Note: This setting only affects the exported project, or when the project is run from the command line. In the editor, the value of is used instead.

int display/window/size/mode<>():int

Main window mode. See WindowMode for possible values and how each mode behaves.

bool display/window/size/no_focus<>():bool

Main window can't be focused. No-focus window will ignore all input, except mouse clicks.

bool display/window/size/resizable<>():bool

If true, allows the window to be resizable by default.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To change whether the window is resizable at runtime, set Window.unresizable instead on the root Window, which can be retrieved using get_viewport().get_window(). Window.unresizable takes the opposite value of this setting.

Note: Certain window managers can be configured to ignore the non-resizable status of a window. Do not rely on this setting as a guarantee that the window will never be resizable.

Note: This setting is ignored on iOS.

bool display/window/size/transparent<>():bool

If true, enables a window manager hint that the main window background can be transparent. This does not make the background actually transparent. For the background to be transparent, the root viewport must also be made transparent by enabling rendering/viewport/transparent_background.

Note: To use a transparent splash screen, set application/boot_splash/bg_color to Color(0, 0, 0, 0).

Note: This setting has no effect if display/window/per_pixel_transparency/allowed is set to false.

int display/window/size/viewport_height<>():int

Sets the game's main viewport height. On desktop platforms, this is also the initial window height, represented by an indigo-colored rectangle in the 2D editor. Stretch mode settings also use this as a reference when using the canvas_items or viewport stretch modes. See also display/window/size/viewport_width, display/window/size/window_width_override and display/window/size/window_height_override.

int display/window/size/viewport_width<>():int

Sets the game's main viewport width. On desktop platforms, this is also the initial window width, represented by an indigo-colored rectangle in the 2D editor. Stretch mode settings also use this as a reference when using the canvas_items or viewport stretch modes. See also display/window/size/viewport_height, display/window/size/window_width_override and display/window/size/window_height_override.

int display/window/size/window_height_override<>():int

On desktop platforms, overrides the game's initial window height. See also display/window/size/window_width_override, display/window/size/viewport_width and display/window/size/viewport_height.

Note: By default, or when set to 0, the initial window height is the display/window/size/viewport_height. This setting is ignored on iOS, Android, and Web.

int display/window/size/window_width_override<>():int

On desktop platforms, overrides the game's initial window width. See also display/window/size/window_height_override, display/window/size/viewport_width and display/window/size/viewport_height.

Note: By default, or when set to 0, the initial window width is the display/window/size/viewport_width. This setting is ignored on iOS, Android, and Web.

String display/window/stretch/aspect<>():String

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

String display/window/stretch/mode<>():String

Defines how the base size is stretched to fit the resolution of the window or screen.

"disabled": No stretching happens. One unit in the scene corresponds to one pixel on the screen. In this mode, display/window/stretch/aspect has no effect. Recommended for non-game applications.

"canvas_items": The base size specified in width and height in the project settings is stretched to cover the whole screen (taking display/window/stretch/aspect into account). This means that everything is rendered directly at the target resolution. 3D is unaffected, while in 2D, there is no longer a 1:1 correspondence between sprite pixels and screen pixels, which may result in scaling artifacts. Recommended for most games that don't use a pixel art esthetic, although it is possible to use this stretch mode for pixel art games too (especially in 3D).

"viewport": The size of the root Viewport is set precisely to the base size specified in the Project Settings' Display section. The scene is rendered to this viewport first. Finally, this viewport is scaled to fit the screen (taking display/window/stretch/aspect into account). Recommended for games that use a pixel art esthetic.

float display/window/stretch/scale<>():float

The scale factor multiplier to use for 2D elements. This multiplies the final scale factor determined by display/window/stretch/mode. If using the Disabled stretch mode, this scale factor is applied as-is. This can be adjusted to make the UI easier to read on certain displays.

String display/window/stretch/scale_mode<>():String

The policy to use to determine the final scale factor for 2D elements. This affects how display/window/stretch/scale is applied, in addition to the automatic scale factor determined by display/window/stretch/mode.

"fractional": The scale factor will not be modified.

"integer": The scale factor will be floored to an integer value, which means that the screen size will always be an integer multiple of the base viewport size. This provides a crisp pixel art appearance.

Note: When using integer scaling with a stretch mode, resizing the window to be smaller than the base viewport size will clip the contents. Consider preventing that by setting Window.min_size to the same value as the base viewport size defined in display/window/size/viewport_width and display/window/size/viewport_height.

bool display/window/subwindows/embed_subwindows<>():bool

If true subwindows are embedded in the main window.

int display/window/vsync/vsync_mode<>():int

Sets the V-Sync mode for the main game window. The editor's own V-Sync mode can be set using EditorSettings.interface/editor/vsync_mode.

See VSyncMode for possible values and how they affect the behavior of your application.

Depending on the platform and used renderer, the engine will fall back to Enabled if the desired mode is not supported.

Note: V-Sync modes other than Enabled are only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To change the V-Sync mode at runtime, call DisplayServer.window_set_vsync_mode instead.

String dotnet/project/assembly_name<>():String

Name of the .NET assembly. This name is used as the name of the .csproj and .sln files. By default, it's set to the name of the project (application/config/name) allowing to change it in the future without affecting the .NET assembly.

int dotnet/project/assembly_reload_attempts<>():int

Number of times to attempt assembly reloading after rebuilding .NET assemblies. Effectively also the timeout in seconds to wait for unloading of script assemblies to finish.

String dotnet/project/solution_directory<>():String

Directory that contains the .sln file. By default, the .sln files is in the root of the project directory, next to the project.godot and .csproj files.

Changing this value allows setting up a multi-project scenario where there are multiple .csproj. Keep in mind that the Godot project is considered one of the C# projects in the workspace and it's root directory should contain the project.godot and .csproj next to each other.

bool editor/export/convert_text_resources_to_binary<>():bool

If true, text resources are converted to a binary format on export. This decreases file sizes and speeds up loading slightly.

Note: If editor/export/convert_text_resources_to_binary is true, @GDScript.load will not be able to return the converted files in an exported project. Some file paths within the exported PCK will also change, such as project.godot becoming project.binary. If you rely on run-time loading of files present within the PCK, set editor/export/convert_text_resources_to_binary to false.

bool editor/import/reimport_missing_imported_files<>():bool

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

bool editor/import/use_multiple_threads<>():bool

If true importing of resources is run on multiple threads.

bool editor/movie_writer/disable_vsync<>():bool

If true, requests V-Sync to be disabled when writing a movie (similar to setting display/window/vsync/vsync_mode to Disabled). This can speed up video writing if the hardware is fast enough to render, encode and save the video at a framerate higher than the monitor's refresh rate.

Note: editor/movie_writer/disable_vsync has no effect if the operating system or graphics driver forces V-Sync with no way for applications to disable it.

int editor/movie_writer/fps<>():int

The number of frames per second to record in the video when writing a movie. Simulation speed will adjust to always match the specified framerate, which means the engine will appear to run slower at higher editor/movie_writer/fps values. Certain FPS values will require you to adjust editor/movie_writer/mix_rate to prevent audio from desynchronizing over time.

This can be specified manually on the command line using the --fixed-fps <fps> command line argument.

int editor/movie_writer/mix_rate<>():int

The audio mix rate to use in the recorded audio when writing a movie (in Hz). This can be different from audio/driver/mix_rate, but this value must be divisible by editor/movie_writer/fps to prevent audio from desynchronizing over time.

float editor/movie_writer/mjpeg_quality<>():float

The JPEG quality to use when writing a video to an AVI file, between 0.01 and 1.0 (inclusive). Higher quality values result in better-looking output at the cost of larger file sizes. Recommended quality values are between 0.75 and 0.9. Even at quality 1.0, JPEG compression remains lossy.

Note: This does not affect the audio quality or writing PNG image sequences.

String editor/movie_writer/movie_file<>():String

The output path for the movie. The file extension determines the MovieWriter that will be used.

Godot has 2 built-in MovieWriters:

  • AVI container with MJPEG for video and uncompressed audio (.avi file extension). Lossy compression, medium file sizes, fast encoding. The lossy compression quality can be adjusted by changing editor/movie_writer/mjpeg_quality. The resulting file can be viewed in most video players, but it must be converted to another format for viewing on the web or by Godot with VideoStreamPlayer. MJPEG does not support transparency. AVI output is currently limited to a file of 4 GB in size at most.

  • PNG image sequence for video and WAV for audio (.png file extension). Lossless compression, large file sizes, slow encoding. Designed to be encoded to a video file with another tool such as FFmpeg after recording. Transparency is currently not supported, even if the root viewport is set to be transparent.

If you need to encode to a different format or pipe a stream through third-party software, you can extend this MovieWriter class to create your own movie writers.

When using PNG output, the frame number will be appended at the end of the file name. It starts from 0 and is padded with 8 digits to ensure correct sorting and easier processing. For example, if the output path is /tmp/hello.png, the first two frames will be /tmp/hello00000000.png and /tmp/hello00000001.png. The audio will be saved at /tmp/hello.wav.

int editor/movie_writer/speaker_mode<>():int

The speaker mode to use in the recorded audio when writing a movie. See SpeakerMode for possible values.

String editor/naming/default_signal_callback_name<>():String

The format of the default signal callback name (in the Signal Connection Dialog). The following substitutions are available: {NodeName}, {nodeName}, {node_name}, {SignalName}, {signalName}, and {signal_name}.

String editor/naming/default_signal_callback_to_self_name<>():String

The format of the default signal callback name when a signal connects to the same node that emits it (in the Signal Connection Dialog). The following substitutions are available: {NodeName}, {nodeName}, {node_name}, {SignalName}, {signalName}, and {signal_name}.

int editor/naming/node_name_casing<>():int

When creating node names automatically, set the type of casing in this project. This is mostly an editor setting.

int editor/naming/node_name_num_separator<>():int

What to use to separate node name from number. This is mostly an editor setting.

int editor/naming/scene_name_casing<>():int

When generating file names from scene root node, set the type of casing in this project. This is mostly an editor setting.

String editor/run/main_run_args<>():String

The command-line arguments to append to Godot's own command line when running the project. This doesn't affect the editor itself.

It is possible to make another executable run Godot by using the %command% placeholder. The placeholder will be replaced with Godot's own command line. Program-specific arguments should be placed before the placeholder, whereas Godot-specific arguments should be placed after the placeholder.

For example, this can be used to force the project to run on the dedicated GPU in a NVIDIA Optimus system on Linux:

prime-run %command%
PackedStringArray editor/script/search_in_file_extensions<>():PackedStringArray

Text-based file extensions to include in the script editor's "Find in Files" feature. You can add e.g. tscn if you wish to also parse your scene files, especially if you use built-in scripts which are serialized in the scene files.

String editor/script/templates_search_path<>():String

Search path for project-specific script templates. Godot will search for script templates both in the editor-specific path and in this project-specific path.

bool editor/version_control/autoload_on_startup<>():bool

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

String editor/version_control/plugin_name<>():String

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

bool filesystem/import/blender/enabled<>():bool

If true, Blender 3D scene files with the .blend extension will be imported by converting them to glTF 2.0.

This requires configuring a path to a Blender executable in the editor settings at filesystem/import/blender/blender_path. Blender 3.0 or later is required.

bool filesystem/import/blender/<>():bool

Override for filesystem/import/blender/enabled on Android where Blender can't easily be accessed from Godot.

bool filesystem/import/blender/enabled.web<>():bool

Override for filesystem/import/blender/enabled on the Web where Blender can't easily be accessed from Godot.

bool filesystem/import/fbx/enabled<>():bool

If true, Autodesk FBX 3D scene files with the .fbx extension will be imported by converting them to glTF 2.0.

This requires configuring a path to a FBX2glTF executable in the editor settings at filesystem/import/fbx/fbx2gltf_path.

bool filesystem/import/fbx/<>():bool

Override for filesystem/import/fbx/enabled on Android where FBX2glTF can't easily be accessed from Godot.

bool filesystem/import/fbx/enabled.web<>():bool

Override for filesystem/import/fbx/enabled on the Web where FBX2glTF can't easily be accessed from Godot.

int gui/common/default_scroll_deadzone<>():int

Default value for ScrollContainer.scroll_deadzone, which will be used for all ScrollContainers unless overridden.

bool gui/common/snap_controls_to_pixels<>():bool

If true, snaps Control node vertices to the nearest pixel to ensure they remain crisp even when the camera moves or zooms.

bool gui/common/swap_cancel_ok<>():bool

If true, swaps Cancel and OK buttons in dialogs on Windows to follow interface conventions. DisplayServer.get_swap_cancel_ok can be used to query whether buttons are swapped at run-time.

Note: This doesn't affect native dialogs such as the ones spawned by DisplayServer.dialog_show.

int gui/common/text_edit_undo_stack_max_size<>():int

Maximum undo/redo history size for TextEdit fields.

bool gui/fonts/dynamic_fonts/use_oversampling<>():bool

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

String gui/theme/custom<>():String

Path to a custom Theme resource file to use for the project (.theme or generic .tres/.res extension).

String gui/theme/custom_font<>():String

Path to a custom Font resource to use as default for all GUI elements of the project.

int gui/theme/default_font_antialiasing<>():int

Font anti-aliasing mode for the default project font. See FontFile.antialiasing.

Note: This setting does not affect custom Fonts used within the project. Use the Import dock for that instead (see ResourceImporterDynamicFont.antialiasing).

bool gui/theme/default_font_generate_mipmaps<>():bool

If set to true, the default font will have mipmaps generated. This prevents text from looking grainy when a Control is scaled down, or when a Label3D is viewed from a long distance (if Label3D.texture_filter is set to a mode that displays mipmaps).

Enabling gui/theme/default_font_generate_mipmaps increases font generation time and memory usage. Only enable this setting if you actually need it.

Note: This setting does not affect custom Fonts used within the project. Use the Import dock for that instead (see ResourceImporterDynamicFont.generate_mipmaps).

int gui/theme/default_font_hinting<>():int

Font hinting mode for the default project font. See FontFile.hinting.

Note: This setting does not affect custom Fonts used within the project. Use the Import dock for that instead (see ResourceImporterDynamicFont.hinting).

bool gui/theme/default_font_multichannel_signed_distance_field<>():bool

If set to true, the default font will use multichannel signed distance field (MSDF) for crisp rendering at any size. Since this approach does not rely on rasterizing the font every time its size changes, this allows for resizing the font in real-time without any performance penalty. Text will also not look grainy for Controls that are scaled down (or for Label3Ds viewed from a long distance).

MSDF font rendering can be combined with gui/theme/default_font_generate_mipmaps to further improve font rendering quality when scaled down.

Note: This setting does not affect custom Fonts used within the project. Use the Import dock for that instead (see ResourceImporterDynamicFont.multichannel_signed_distance_field).

int gui/theme/default_font_subpixel_positioning<>():int

Font glyph subpixel positioning mode for the default project font. See FontFile.subpixel_positioning.

Note: This setting does not affect custom Fonts used within the project. Use the Import dock for that instead (see ResourceImporterDynamicFont.subpixel_positioning).

float gui/theme/default_theme_scale<>():float

The default scale factor for Controls, when not overridden by a Theme.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To change the default scale at runtime, set ThemeDB.fallback_base_scale instead.

int gui/theme/lcd_subpixel_layout<>():int

LCD subpixel layout used for font anti-aliasing. See FontLCDSubpixelLayout.

float gui/timers/button_shortcut_feedback_highlight_time<>():float

When BaseButton.shortcut_feedback is enabled, this is the time the BaseButton will remain highlighted after a shortcut.

int gui/timers/incremental_search_max_interval_msec<>():int

Timer setting for incremental search in Tree, ItemList, etc. controls (in milliseconds).

float gui/timers/text_edit_idle_detect_sec<>():float

Timer for detecting idle in TextEdit (in seconds).

float gui/timers/tooltip_delay_sec<>():float

Default delay for tooltips (in seconds).

Dictionary input/ui_accept<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to confirm a focused button, menu or list item, or validate input.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_cancel<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to discard a modal or pending input.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_copy<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to copy a selection to the clipboard.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_cut<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to cut a selection to the clipboard.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_down<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move down in the UI.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_end<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to go to the end position of a Control (e.g. last item in an ItemList or a Tree), matching the behavior of @GlobalScope.KEY_END on typical desktop UI systems.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_filedialog_refresh<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to refresh the contents of the current directory of a FileDialog.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_filedialog_show_hidden<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to toggle showing hidden files and directories in a FileDialog.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_filedialog_up_one_level<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to go up one directory in a FileDialog.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_focus_next<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to focus the next Control in the scene. The focus behavior can be configured via Control.focus_next.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_focus_prev<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to focus the previous Control in the scene. The focus behavior can be configured via Control.focus_previous.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_graph_delete<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to delete a GraphNode in a GraphEdit.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_graph_duplicate<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to duplicate a GraphNode in a GraphEdit.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_home<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to go to the start position of a Control (e.g. first item in an ItemList or a Tree), matching the behavior of @GlobalScope.KEY_HOME on typical desktop UI systems.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_left<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move left in the UI.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_menu<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to open a context menu in a text field.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_page_down<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to go down a page in a Control (e.g. in an ItemList or a Tree), matching the behavior of @GlobalScope.KEY_PAGEDOWN on typical desktop UI systems.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_page_up<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to go up a page in a Control (e.g. in an ItemList or a Tree), matching the behavior of @GlobalScope.KEY_PAGEUP on typical desktop UI systems.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_paste<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to paste from the clipboard.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_redo<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to redo an undone action.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_right<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move right in the UI.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_select<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to select an item in a Control (e.g. in an ItemList or a Tree).

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_swap_input_direction<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to swap input direction, i.e. change between left-to-right to right-to-left modes. Affects text-editing controls (LineEdit, TextEdit).

Dictionary input/ui_text_add_selection_for_next_occurrence<>():Dictionary

If a selection is currently active with the last caret in text fields, searches for the next occurrence of the selection, adds a caret and selects the next occurrence.

If no selection is currently active with the last caret in text fields, selects the word currently under the caret.

The action can be performed sequentially for all occurrences of the selection of the last caret and for all existing carets.

The viewport is adjusted to the latest newly added caret.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_backspace<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to delete the character before the text cursor.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_backspace_all_to_left<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to delete all text before the text cursor.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_backspace_all_to_left.macos<>():Dictionary

macOS specific override for the shortcut to delete all text before the text cursor.

Dictionary input/ui_text_backspace_word<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to delete all characters before the cursor up until a whitespace or punctuation character.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_backspace_word.macos<>():Dictionary

macOS specific override for the shortcut to delete a word.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_add_above<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to add an additional caret above every caret of a text.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_add_above.macos<>():Dictionary

macOS specific override for the shortcut to add a caret above every caret.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_add_below<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to add an additional caret below every caret of a text.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_add_below.macos<>():Dictionary

macOS specific override for the shortcut to add a caret below every caret.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_document_end<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move the text cursor to the end of the text.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_document_end.macos<>():Dictionary

macOS specific override for the shortcut to move the text cursor to the end of the text.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_document_start<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move the text cursor to the start of the text.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_document_start.macos<>():Dictionary

macOS specific override for the shortcut to move the text cursor to the start of the text.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_down<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move the text cursor down.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_left<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move the text cursor left.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_line_end<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move the text cursor to the end of the line.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_line_end.macos<>():Dictionary

macOS specific override for the shortcut to move the text cursor to the end of the line.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_line_start<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move the text cursor to the start of the line.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_line_start.macos<>():Dictionary

macOS specific override for the shortcut to move the text cursor to the start of the line.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_page_down<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move the text cursor down one page.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_page_up<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move the text cursor up one page.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_right<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move the text cursor right.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_up<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move the text cursor up.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_word_left<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move the text cursor left to the next whitespace or punctuation.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_word_left.macos<>():Dictionary

macOS specific override for the shortcut to move the text cursor back one word.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_word_right<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move the text cursor right to the next whitespace or punctuation.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_caret_word_right.macos<>():Dictionary

macOS specific override for the shortcut to move the text cursor forward one word.

Dictionary input/ui_text_clear_carets_and_selection<>():Dictionary

If there's only one caret active and with a selection, clears the selection.

In case there's more than one caret active, removes the secondary carets and clears their selections.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_completion_accept<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to accept an autocompletion hint.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_completion_query<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to request autocompletion.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_completion_replace<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to accept an autocompletion hint, replacing existing text.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_dedent<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to unindent text.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_delete<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to delete the character after the text cursor.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_delete_all_to_right<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to delete all text after the text cursor.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_delete_all_to_right.macos<>():Dictionary

macOS specific override for the shortcut to delete all text after the text cursor.

Dictionary input/ui_text_delete_word<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to delete all characters after the cursor up until a whitespace or punctuation character.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_delete_word.macos<>():Dictionary

macOS specific override for the shortcut to delete a word after the text cursor.

Dictionary input/ui_text_indent<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to indent the current line.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_newline<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to insert a new line at the position of the text cursor.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_newline_above<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to insert a new line before the current one.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_newline_blank<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to insert a new line after the current one.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_scroll_down<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to scroll down one line of text.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_scroll_down.macos<>():Dictionary

macOS specific override for the shortcut to scroll down one line.

Dictionary input/ui_text_scroll_up<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to scroll up one line of text.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_scroll_up.macos<>():Dictionary

macOS specific override for the shortcut to scroll up one line.

Dictionary input/ui_text_select_all<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to select all text.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_select_word_under_caret<>():Dictionary

If no selection is currently active, selects the word currently under the caret in text fields. If a selection is currently active, deselects the current selection.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_select_word_under_caret.macos<>():Dictionary

macOS specific override for the shortcut to select the word currently under the caret.

Dictionary input/ui_text_submit<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to submit a text field.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_text_toggle_insert_mode<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to toggle insert mode in a text field. While in insert mode, inserting new text overrides the character after the cursor, unless the next character is a new line.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_undo<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to undo the most recent action.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

Dictionary input/ui_up<>():Dictionary

Default InputEventAction to move up in the UI.

Note: Default ui_* actions cannot be removed as they are necessary for the internal logic of several Controls. The events assigned to the action can however be modified.

bool input_devices/buffering/agile_event_flushing<>():bool

If true, key/touch/joystick events will be flushed just before every idle and physics frame.

If false, such events will be flushed only once per process frame, between iterations of the engine.

Enabling this can greatly improve the responsiveness to input, specially in devices that need to run multiple physics frames per visible (process) frame, because they can't run at the target frame rate.

Note: Currently implemented only on Android.

bool input_devices/compatibility/legacy_just_pressed_behavior<>():bool

If true, Input.is_action_just_pressed and Input.is_action_just_released will only return true if the action is still in the respective state, i.e. an action that is pressed and released on the same frame will be missed.

If false, no input will be lost.

Note: You should in nearly all cases prefer the false setting. The legacy behavior is to enable supporting old projects that rely on the old logic, without changes to script.

String input_devices/pen_tablet/driver<>():String

Specifies the tablet driver to use. If left empty, the default driver will be used.

Note: The driver in use can be overridden at runtime via the --tablet-driver command line argument.

String input_devices/pen_tablet/<>():String

Override for input_devices/pen_tablet/driver on Windows.

bool input_devices/pointing/android/enable_long_press_as_right_click<>():bool

If true, long press events on an Android touchscreen are transformed into right click events.

bool input_devices/pointing/android/enable_pan_and_scale_gestures<>():bool

If true, multi-touch pan and scale gestures are enabled on Android devices.

bool input_devices/pointing/emulate_mouse_from_touch<>():bool

If true, sends mouse input events when tapping or swiping on the touchscreen.

bool input_devices/pointing/emulate_touch_from_mouse<>():bool

If true, sends touch input events when clicking or dragging the mouse.

String internationalization/locale/fallback<>():String

The locale to fall back to if a translation isn't available in a given language. If left empty, en (English) will be used.

bool internationalization/locale/include_text_server_data<>():bool

If true, text server break iteration rule sets, dictionaries and other optional data are included in the exported project.

Note: "ICU / HarfBuzz / Graphite" text server data includes dictionaries for Burmese, Chinese, Japanese, Khmer, Lao and Thai as well as Unicode Standard Annex #29 and Unicode Standard Annex #14 word and line breaking rules. Data is about 4 MB large.

Note: "Fallback" text server does not use additional data.

String internationalization/locale/test<>():String

If non-empty, this locale will be used when running the project from the editor.

bool internationalization/pseudolocalization/double_vowels<>():bool

Double vowels in strings during pseudolocalization to simulate the lengthening of text due to localization.

float internationalization/pseudolocalization/expansion_ratio<>():float

The expansion ratio to use during pseudolocalization. A value of 0.3 is sufficient for most practical purposes, and will increase the length of each string by 30%.

bool internationalization/pseudolocalization/fake_bidi<>():bool

If true, emulate bidirectional (right-to-left) text when pseudolocalization is enabled. This can be used to spot issues with RTL layout and UI mirroring that will crop up if the project is localized to RTL languages such as Arabic or Hebrew.

bool internationalization/pseudolocalization/override<>():bool

Replace all characters in the string with *. Useful for finding non-localizable strings.

String internationalization/pseudolocalization/prefix<>():String

Prefix that will be prepended to the pseudolocalized string.

bool internationalization/pseudolocalization/replace_with_accents<>():bool

Replace all characters with their accented variants during pseudolocalization.

bool internationalization/pseudolocalization/skip_placeholders<>():bool

Skip placeholders for string formatting like %s or %f during pseudolocalization. Useful to identify strings which need additional control characters to display correctly.

String internationalization/pseudolocalization/suffix<>():String

Suffix that will be appended to the pseudolocalized string.

bool internationalization/pseudolocalization/use_pseudolocalization<>():bool

If true, enables pseudolocalization for the project. This can be used to spot untranslatable strings or layout issues that may occur once the project is localized to languages that have longer strings than the source language.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To toggle pseudolocalization at run-time, use TranslationServer.pseudolocalization_enabled instead.

bool internationalization/rendering/force_right_to_left_layout_direction<>():bool

Force layout direction and text writing direction to RTL for all controls.

int internationalization/rendering/root_node_layout_direction<>():int

Root node default layout direction.

String internationalization/rendering/text_driver<>():String

Specifies the TextServer to use. If left empty, the default will be used.

"ICU / HarfBuzz / Graphite" is the most advanced text driver, supporting right-to-left typesetting and complex scripts (for languages like Arabic, Hebrew, etc). The "Fallback" text driver does not support right-to-left typesetting and complex scripts.

Note: The driver in use can be overridden at runtime via the --text-driver command line argument.

Note: There is an additional Dummy text driver available, which disables all text rendering and font-related functionality. This driver is not listed in the project settings, but it can be enabled when running the editor or project using the --text-driver Dummy command line argument.

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_1<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 1. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 1".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_2<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 2. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 2".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_3<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 3. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 3".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_4<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 4. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 4".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_5<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 5. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 5".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_6<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 6. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 6".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_7<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 7. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 7".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_8<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 8. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 8".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_9<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 9. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 9".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_10<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 10. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 10".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_11<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 11. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 11".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_12<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 12. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 12".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_13<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 13. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 13".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_14<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 14. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 14".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_15<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 15. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 15".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_16<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 16. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 16".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_17<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 17. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 17".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_18<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 18. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 18".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_19<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 19. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 19".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_20<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 20. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 20".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_21<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 21. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 21".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_22<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 22. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 22".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_23<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 23. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 23".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_24<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 24. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 24".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_25<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 25. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 25".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_26<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 26. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 26".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_27<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 27. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 27".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_28<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 28. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 28".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_29<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 29. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 29".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_30<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 30. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 30".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_31<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 31. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 31".

String layer_names/2d_navigation/layer_32<>():String

Optional name for the 2D navigation layer 32. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 32".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_1<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 1. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 1".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_2<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 2. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 2".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_3<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 3. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 3".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_4<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 4. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 4".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_5<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 5. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 5".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_6<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 6. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 6".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_7<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 7. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 7".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_8<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 8. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 8".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_9<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 9. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 9".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_10<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 10. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 10".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_11<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 11. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 11".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_12<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 12. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 12".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_13<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 13. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 13".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_14<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 14. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 14".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_15<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 15. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 15".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_16<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 16. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 16".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_17<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 17. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 17".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_18<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 18. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 18".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_19<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 19. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 19".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_20<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 20. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 20".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_21<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 21. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 21".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_22<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 22. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 22".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_23<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 23. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 23".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_24<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 24. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 24".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_25<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 25. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 25".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_26<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 26. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 26".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_27<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 27. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 27".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_28<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 28. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 28".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_29<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 29. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 29".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_30<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 30. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 30".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_31<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 31. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 31".

String layer_names/2d_physics/layer_32<>():String

Optional name for the 2D physics layer 32. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 32".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_1<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 1. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 1".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_2<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 2. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 2".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_3<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 3. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 3".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_4<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 4. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 4".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_5<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 5. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 5".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_6<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 6. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 6".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_7<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 7. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 7".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_8<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 8. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 8".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_9<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 9. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 9".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_10<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 10. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 10".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_11<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 11. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 11".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_12<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 12. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 12".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_13<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 13. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 13".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_14<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 14. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 14".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_15<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 15. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 15".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_16<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 16. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 16".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_17<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 17. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 17".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_18<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 18. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 18".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_19<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 19. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 19".

String layer_names/2d_render/layer_20<>():String

Optional name for the 2D render layer 20. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 20".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_1<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 1. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 1".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_2<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 2. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 2".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_3<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 3. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 3".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_4<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 4. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 4".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_5<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 5. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 5".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_6<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 6. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 6".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_7<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 7. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 7".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_8<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 8. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 8".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_9<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 9. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 9".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_10<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 10. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 10".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_11<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 11. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 11".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_12<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 12. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 12".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_13<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 13. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 13".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_14<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 14. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 14".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_15<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 15. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 15".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_16<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 16. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 16".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_17<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 17. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 17".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_18<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 18. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 18".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_19<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 19. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 19".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_20<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 20. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 20".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_21<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 21. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 21".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_22<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 22. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 22".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_23<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 23. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 23".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_24<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 24. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 24".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_25<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 25. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 25".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_26<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 26. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 26".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_27<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 27. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 27".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_28<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 28. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 28".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_29<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 29. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 29".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_30<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 30. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 30".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_31<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 31. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 31".

String layer_names/3d_navigation/layer_32<>():String

Optional name for the 3D navigation layer 32. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 32".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_1<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 1. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 1".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_2<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 2. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 2".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_3<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 3. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 3".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_4<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 4. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 4".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_5<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 5. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 5".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_6<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 6. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 6".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_7<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 7. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 7".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_8<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 8. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 8".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_9<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 9. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 9".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_10<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 10. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 10".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_11<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 11. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 11".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_12<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 12. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 12".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_13<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 13. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 13".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_14<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 14. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 14".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_15<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 15. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 15".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_16<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 16. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 16".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_17<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 17. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 17".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_18<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 18. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 18".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_19<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 19. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 19".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_20<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 20. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 20".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_21<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 21. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 21".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_22<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 22. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 22".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_23<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 23. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 23".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_24<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 24. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 24".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_25<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 25. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 25".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_26<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 26. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 26".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_27<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 27. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 27".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_28<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 28. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 28".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_29<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 29. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 29".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_30<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 30. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 30".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_31<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 31. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 31".

String layer_names/3d_physics/layer_32<>():String

Optional name for the 3D physics layer 32. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 32".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_1<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 1. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 1".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_2<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 2. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 2".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_3<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 3. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 3".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_4<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 4. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 4".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_5<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 5. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 5".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_6<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 6. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 6".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_7<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 7. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 7".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_8<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 8. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 8".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_9<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 9. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 9".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_10<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 10. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 10".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_11<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 11. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 11".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_12<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 12. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 12".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_13<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 13. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 13".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_14<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 14. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 14".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_15<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 15. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 15".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_16<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 16. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 16".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_17<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 17. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 17".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_18<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 18. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 18".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_19<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 19. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 19".

String layer_names/3d_render/layer_20<>():String

Optional name for the 3D render layer 20. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 20".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_1<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 1. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 1".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_2<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 2. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 2".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_3<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 3. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 3".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_4<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 4. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 4".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_5<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 5. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 5".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_6<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 6. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 6".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_7<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 7. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 7".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_8<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 8. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 8".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_9<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 9. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 9".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_10<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 10. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 10".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_11<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 11. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 11".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_12<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 12. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 12".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_13<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 13. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 13".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_14<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 14. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 14".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_15<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 15. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 15".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_16<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 16. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 16".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_17<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 17. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 17".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_18<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 18. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 18".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_19<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 19. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 19".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_20<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 20. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 20".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_21<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 21. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 21".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_22<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 22. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 22".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_23<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 23. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 23".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_24<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 24. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 24".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_25<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 25. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 25".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_26<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 26. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 26".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_27<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 27. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 27".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_28<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 28. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 28".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_29<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 29. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 29".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_30<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 30. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 30".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_31<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 31. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 31".

String layer_names/avoidance/layer_32<>():String

Optional name for the navigation avoidance layer 32. If left empty, the layer will display as "Layer 32".

int memory/limits/message_queue/max_size_mb<>():int

Godot uses a message queue to defer some function calls. If you run out of space on it (you will see an error), you can increase the size here.

float navigation/2d/default_cell_size<>():float

Default cell size for 2D navigation maps. See NavigationServer2D.map_set_cell_size.

float navigation/2d/default_edge_connection_margin<>():float

Default edge connection margin for 2D navigation maps. See NavigationServer2D.map_set_edge_connection_margin.

float navigation/2d/default_link_connection_radius<>():float

Default link connection radius for 2D navigation maps. See NavigationServer2D.map_set_link_connection_radius.

bool navigation/2d/use_edge_connections<>():bool

If enabled 2D navigation regions will use edge connections to connect with other navigation regions within proximity of the navigation map edge connection margin. This setting only affects World2D default navigation maps.

float navigation/3d/default_cell_height<>():float

Default cell height for 3D navigation maps. See NavigationServer3D.map_set_cell_height.

float navigation/3d/default_cell_size<>():float

Default cell size for 3D navigation maps. See NavigationServer3D.map_set_cell_size.

float navigation/3d/default_edge_connection_margin<>():float

Default edge connection margin for 3D navigation maps. See NavigationServer3D.map_set_edge_connection_margin.

float navigation/3d/default_link_connection_radius<>():float

Default link connection radius for 3D navigation maps. See NavigationServer3D.map_set_link_connection_radius.

Vector3 navigation/3d/default_up<>():Vector3

Default up orientation for 3D navigation maps. See NavigationServer3D.map_set_up.

bool navigation/3d/use_edge_connections<>():bool

If enabled 3D navigation regions will use edge connections to connect with other navigation regions within proximity of the navigation map edge connection margin. This setting only affects World3D default navigation maps.

bool navigation/avoidance/thread_model/avoidance_use_high_priority_threads<>():bool

If enabled and avoidance calculations use multiple threads the threads run with high priority.

bool navigation/avoidance/thread_model/avoidance_use_multiple_threads<>():bool

If enabled the avoidance calculations use multiple threads.

bool navigation/baking/thread_model/baking_use_high_priority_threads<>():bool

If enabled and async navmesh baking uses multiple threads the threads run with high priority.

bool navigation/baking/thread_model/baking_use_multiple_threads<>():bool

If enabled the async navmesh baking uses multiple threads.

int network/limits/debugger/max_chars_per_second<>():int

Maximum number of characters allowed to send as output from the debugger. Over this value, content is dropped. This helps not to stall the debugger connection.

int network/limits/debugger/max_errors_per_second<>():int

Maximum number of errors allowed to be sent from the debugger. Over this value, content is dropped. This helps not to stall the debugger connection.

int network/limits/debugger/max_queued_messages<>():int

Maximum number of messages in the debugger queue. Over this value, content is dropped. This helps to limit the debugger memory usage.

int network/limits/debugger/max_warnings_per_second<>():int

Maximum number of warnings allowed to be sent from the debugger. Over this value, content is dropped. This helps not to stall the debugger connection.

int network/limits/packet_peer_stream/max_buffer_po2<>():int

Default size of packet peer stream for deserializing Godot data (in bytes, specified as a power of two). The default value 16 is equal to 65,536 bytes. Over this size, data is dropped.

int network/limits/tcp/connect_timeout_seconds<>():int

Timeout (in seconds) for connection attempts using TCP.

int network/limits/webrtc/max_channel_in_buffer_kb<>():int

Maximum size (in kiB) for the WebRTCDataChannel input buffer.

String network/tls/certificate_bundle_override<>():String

The CA certificates bundle to use for TLS connections. If this is set to a non-empty value, this will override Godot's default Mozilla certificate bundle. If left empty, the default certificate bundle will be used.

If in doubt, leave this setting empty.

float physics/2d/default_angular_damp<>():float

The default rotational motion damping in 2D. Damping is used to gradually slow down physical objects over time. RigidBodies will fall back to this value when combining their own damping values and no area damping value is present.

Suggested values are in the range 0 to 30. At value 0 objects will keep moving with the same velocity. Greater values will stop the object faster. A value equal to or greater than the physics tick rate (physics/common/physics_ticks_per_second) will bring the object to a stop in one iteration.

Note: Godot damping calculations are velocity-dependent, meaning bodies moving faster will take a longer time to come to rest. They do not simulate inertia, friction, or air resistance. Therefore heavier or larger bodies will lose speed at the same proportional rate as lighter or smaller bodies.

During each physics tick, Godot will multiply the linear velocity of RigidBodies by 1.0 - combined_damp / physics_ticks_per_second. By default, bodies combine damp factors: combined_damp is the sum of the damp value of the body and this value or the area's value the body is in. See DampMode.

Warning: Godot's damping calculations are simulation tick rate dependent. Changing physics/common/physics_ticks_per_second may significantly change the outcomes and feel of your simulation. This is true for the entire range of damping values greater than 0. To get back to a similar feel, you also need to change your damp values. This needed change is not proportional and differs from case to case.

float physics/2d/default_gravity<>():float

The default gravity strength in 2D (in pixels per second squared).

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To change the default gravity at runtime, use the following code sample:

# Set the default gravity strength to 980. PhysicsServer2D.area_set_param(get_viewport().find_world_2d().space, PhysicsServer2D.AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY, 980)
Vector2 physics/2d/default_gravity_vector<>():Vector2

The default gravity direction in 2D.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To change the default gravity vector at runtime, use the following code sample:

# Set the default gravity direction to `Vector2(0, 1)`. PhysicsServer2D.area_set_param(get_viewport().find_world_2d().space, PhysicsServer2D.AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_VECTOR, Vector2.DOWN)
float physics/2d/default_linear_damp<>():float

The default linear motion damping in 2D. Damping is used to gradually slow down physical objects over time. RigidBodies will fall back to this value when combining their own damping values and no area damping value is present.

Suggested values are in the range 0 to 30. At value 0 objects will keep moving with the same velocity. Greater values will stop the object faster. A value equal to or greater than the physics tick rate (physics/common/physics_ticks_per_second) will bring the object to a stop in one iteration.

Note: Godot damping calculations are velocity-dependent, meaning bodies moving faster will take a longer time to come to rest. They do not simulate inertia, friction, or air resistance. Therefore heavier or larger bodies will lose speed at the same proportional rate as lighter or smaller bodies.

During each physics tick, Godot will multiply the linear velocity of RigidBodies by 1.0 - combined_damp / physics_ticks_per_second, where combined_damp is the sum of the linear damp of the body and this value, or the area's value the body is in, assuming the body defaults to combine damp values. See DampMode.

Warning: Godot's damping calculations are simulation tick rate dependent. Changing physics/common/physics_ticks_per_second may significantly change the outcomes and feel of your simulation. This is true for the entire range of damping values greater than 0. To get back to a similar feel, you also need to change your damp values. This needed change is not proportional and differs from case to case.

String physics/2d/physics_engine<>():String

Sets which physics engine to use for 2D physics.

"DEFAULT" and "GodotPhysics2D" are the same, as there is currently no alternative 2D physics server implemented.

bool physics/2d/run_on_separate_thread<>():bool

If true, the 2D physics server runs on a separate thread, making better use of multi-core CPUs. If false, the 2D physics server runs on the main thread. Running the physics server on a separate thread can increase performance, but restricts API access to only physics process.

float physics/2d/sleep_threshold_angular<>():float

Threshold angular velocity under which a 2D physics body will be considered inactive. See PhysicsServer2D.SPACE_PARAM_BODY_ANGULAR_VELOCITY_SLEEP_THRESHOLD.

float physics/2d/sleep_threshold_linear<>():float

Threshold linear velocity under which a 2D physics body will be considered inactive. See PhysicsServer2D.SPACE_PARAM_BODY_LINEAR_VELOCITY_SLEEP_THRESHOLD.

float physics/2d/solver/contact_max_allowed_penetration<>():float

Maximum distance a shape can penetrate another shape before it is considered a collision. See PhysicsServer2D.SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_MAX_ALLOWED_PENETRATION.

float physics/2d/solver/contact_max_separation<>():float

Maximum distance a shape can be from another before they are considered separated and the contact is discarded. See PhysicsServer2D.SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_MAX_SEPARATION.

float physics/2d/solver/contact_recycle_radius<>():float

Maximum distance a pair of bodies has to move before their collision status has to be recalculated. See PhysicsServer2D.SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_RECYCLE_RADIUS.

float physics/2d/solver/default_constraint_bias<>():float

Default solver bias for all physics constraints. Defines how much bodies react to enforce constraints. See PhysicsServer2D.SPACE_PARAM_CONSTRAINT_DEFAULT_BIAS.

Individual constraints can have a specific bias value (see Joint2D.bias).

float physics/2d/solver/default_contact_bias<>():float

Default solver bias for all physics contacts. Defines how much bodies react to enforce contact separation. See PhysicsServer2D.SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_DEFAULT_BIAS.

Individual shapes can have a specific bias value (see Shape2D.custom_solver_bias).

int physics/2d/solver/solver_iterations<>():int

Number of solver iterations for all contacts and constraints. The greater the number of iterations, the more accurate the collisions will be. However, a greater number of iterations requires more CPU power, which can decrease performance. See PhysicsServer2D.SPACE_PARAM_SOLVER_ITERATIONS.

float physics/2d/time_before_sleep<>():float

Time (in seconds) of inactivity before which a 2D physics body will put to sleep. See PhysicsServer2D.SPACE_PARAM_BODY_TIME_TO_SLEEP.

float physics/3d/default_angular_damp<>():float

The default rotational motion damping in 3D. Damping is used to gradually slow down physical objects over time. RigidBodies will fall back to this value when combining their own damping values and no area damping value is present.

Suggested values are in the range 0 to 30. At value 0 objects will keep moving with the same velocity. Greater values will stop the object faster. A value equal to or greater than the physics tick rate (physics/common/physics_ticks_per_second) will bring the object to a stop in one iteration.

Note: Godot damping calculations are velocity-dependent, meaning bodies moving faster will take a longer time to come to rest. They do not simulate inertia, friction, or air resistance. Therefore heavier or larger bodies will lose speed at the same proportional rate as lighter or smaller bodies.

During each physics tick, Godot will multiply the angular velocity of RigidBodies by 1.0 - combined_damp / physics_ticks_per_second. By default, bodies combine damp factors: combined_damp is the sum of the damp value of the body and this value or the area's value the body is in. See DampMode.

Warning: Godot's damping calculations are simulation tick rate dependent. Changing physics/common/physics_ticks_per_second may significantly change the outcomes and feel of your simulation. This is true for the entire range of damping values greater than 0. To get back to a similar feel, you also need to change your damp values. This needed change is not proportional and differs from case to case.

float physics/3d/default_gravity<>():float

The default gravity strength in 3D (in meters per second squared).

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To change the default gravity at runtime, use the following code sample:

# Set the default gravity strength to 9.8. PhysicsServer3D.area_set_param(get_viewport().find_world_3d().space, PhysicsServer3D.AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY, 9.8)
Vector3 physics/3d/default_gravity_vector<>():Vector3

The default gravity direction in 3D.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To change the default gravity vector at runtime, use the following code sample:

# Set the default gravity direction to `Vector3(0, -1, 0)`. PhysicsServer3D.area_set_param(get_viewport().find_world_3d().space, PhysicsServer3D.AREA_PARAM_GRAVITY_VECTOR, Vector3.DOWN)
float physics/3d/default_linear_damp<>():float

The default linear motion damping in 3D. Damping is used to gradually slow down physical objects over time. RigidBodies will fall back to this value when combining their own damping values and no area damping value is present.

Suggested values are in the range 0 to 30. At value 0 objects will keep moving with the same velocity. Greater values will stop the object faster. A value equal to or greater than the physics tick rate (physics/common/physics_ticks_per_second) will bring the object to a stop in one iteration.

Note: Godot damping calculations are velocity-dependent, meaning bodies moving faster will take a longer time to come to rest. They do not simulate inertia, friction, or air resistance. Therefore heavier or larger bodies will lose speed at the same proportional rate as lighter or smaller bodies.

During each physics tick, Godot will multiply the linear velocity of RigidBodies by 1.0 - combined_damp / physics_ticks_per_second. By default, bodies combine damp factors: combined_damp is the sum of the damp value of the body and this value or the area's value the body is in. See DampMode.

Warning: Godot's damping calculations are simulation tick rate dependent. Changing physics/common/physics_ticks_per_second may significantly change the outcomes and feel of your simulation. This is true for the entire range of damping values greater than 0. To get back to a similar feel, you also need to change your damp values. This needed change is not proportional and differs from case to case.

String physics/3d/physics_engine<>():String

Sets which physics engine to use for 3D physics.

"DEFAULT" and "GodotPhysics3D" are the same, as there is currently no alternative 3D physics server implemented.

bool physics/3d/run_on_separate_thread<>():bool

If true, the 3D physics server runs on a separate thread, making better use of multi-core CPUs. If false, the 3D physics server runs on the main thread. Running the physics server on a separate thread can increase performance, but restricts API access to only physics process.

float physics/3d/sleep_threshold_angular<>():float

Threshold angular velocity under which a 3D physics body will be considered inactive. See PhysicsServer3D.SPACE_PARAM_BODY_ANGULAR_VELOCITY_SLEEP_THRESHOLD.

float physics/3d/sleep_threshold_linear<>():float

Threshold linear velocity under which a 3D physics body will be considered inactive. See PhysicsServer3D.SPACE_PARAM_BODY_LINEAR_VELOCITY_SLEEP_THRESHOLD.

float physics/3d/solver/contact_max_allowed_penetration<>():float

Maximum distance a shape can penetrate another shape before it is considered a collision. See PhysicsServer3D.SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_MAX_ALLOWED_PENETRATION.

float physics/3d/solver/contact_max_separation<>():float

Maximum distance a shape can be from another before they are considered separated and the contact is discarded. See PhysicsServer3D.SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_MAX_SEPARATION.

float physics/3d/solver/contact_recycle_radius<>():float

Maximum distance a pair of bodies has to move before their collision status has to be recalculated. See PhysicsServer3D.SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_RECYCLE_RADIUS.

float physics/3d/solver/default_contact_bias<>():float

Default solver bias for all physics contacts. Defines how much bodies react to enforce contact separation. See PhysicsServer3D.SPACE_PARAM_CONTACT_DEFAULT_BIAS.

Individual shapes can have a specific bias value (see Shape3D.custom_solver_bias).

int physics/3d/solver/solver_iterations<>():int

Number of solver iterations for all contacts and constraints. The greater the number of iterations, the more accurate the collisions will be. However, a greater number of iterations requires more CPU power, which can decrease performance. See PhysicsServer3D.SPACE_PARAM_SOLVER_ITERATIONS.

float physics/3d/time_before_sleep<>():float

Time (in seconds) of inactivity before which a 3D physics body will put to sleep. See PhysicsServer3D.SPACE_PARAM_BODY_TIME_TO_SLEEP.

bool physics/common/enable_object_picking<>():bool

Enables Viewport.physics_object_picking on the root viewport.

int physics/common/max_physics_steps_per_frame<>():int

Controls the maximum number of physics steps that can be simulated each rendered frame. The default value is tuned to avoid "spiral of death" situations where expensive physics simulations trigger more expensive simulations indefinitely. However, the game will appear to slow down if the rendering FPS is less than 1 / max_physics_steps_per_frame of physics/common/physics_ticks_per_second. This occurs even if delta is consistently used in physics calculations. To avoid this, increase physics/common/max_physics_steps_per_frame if you have increased physics/common/physics_ticks_per_second significantly above its default value.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To change the maximum number of simulated physics steps per frame at runtime, set Engine.max_physics_steps_per_frame instead.

float physics/common/physics_jitter_fix<>():float

Controls how much physics ticks are synchronized with real time. For 0 or less, the ticks are synchronized. Such values are recommended for network games, where clock synchronization matters. Higher values cause higher deviation of in-game clock and real clock, but allows smoothing out framerate jitters. The default value of 0.5 should be good enough for most; values above 2 could cause the game to react to dropped frames with a noticeable delay and are not recommended.

Note: For best results, when using a custom physics interpolation solution, the physics jitter fix should be disabled by setting physics/common/physics_jitter_fix to 0.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To change the physics jitter fix at runtime, set Engine.physics_jitter_fix instead.

int physics/common/physics_ticks_per_second<>():int

The number of fixed iterations per second. This controls how often physics simulation and Node._physics_process methods are run. See also application/run/max_fps.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To change the physics FPS at runtime, set Engine.physics_ticks_per_second instead.

Note: Only physics/common/max_physics_steps_per_frame physics ticks may be simulated per rendered frame at most. If more physics ticks have to be simulated per rendered frame to keep up with rendering, the project will appear to slow down (even if delta is used consistently in physics calculations). Therefore, it is recommended to also increase physics/common/max_physics_steps_per_frame if increasing physics/common/physics_ticks_per_second significantly above its default value.

int rendering/2d/sdf/oversize<>():int

Controls how much of the original viewport size should be covered by the 2D signed distance field. This SDF can be sampled in CanvasItem shaders and is used for GPUParticles2D collision. Higher values allow portions of occluders located outside the viewport to still be taken into account in the generated signed distance field, at the cost of performance. If you notice particles falling through LightOccluder2Ds as the occluders leave the viewport, increase this setting.

The percentage specified is added on each axis and on both sides. For example, with the default setting of 120%, the signed distance field will cover 20% of the viewport's size outside the viewport on each side (top, right, bottom, left).

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To change the 2D SDF oversizing percentage at runtime, use RenderingServer.viewport_set_sdf_oversize_and_scale instead.

int rendering/2d/sdf/scale<>():int

The resolution scale to use for the 2D signed distance field. Higher values lead to a more precise and more stable signed distance field as the camera moves, at the cost of performance. The default value (50%) renders at half the resolution of the viewport size on each axis, which means the SDF is generated with 25% of the viewport's pixel count.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To change the 2D SDF resolution scale at runtime, use RenderingServer.viewport_set_sdf_oversize_and_scale instead.

int rendering/2d/shadow_atlas/size<>():int

The size of the 2D shadow atlas in pixels. Higher values result in more precise Light2D shadows, at the cost of performance and video memory usage. The specified value is rounded up to the nearest power of 2.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To change the 2D shadow atlas size at runtime, use RenderingServer.canvas_set_shadow_texture_size instead.

bool rendering/2d/snap/snap_2d_transforms_to_pixel<>():bool

If true, CanvasItem nodes will internally snap to full pixels. Their position can still be sub-pixel, but the decimals will not have effect. This can lead to a crisper appearance at the cost of less smooth movement, especially when Camera2D smoothing is enabled.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To toggle 2D transform snapping at runtime, use RenderingServer.viewport_set_snap_2d_transforms_to_pixel on the root Viewport instead.

Note: Control nodes are snapped to the nearest pixel by default. This is controlled by gui/common/snap_controls_to_pixels.

bool rendering/2d/snap/snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel<>():bool

If true, vertices of CanvasItem nodes will snap to full pixels. Only affects the final vertex positions, not the transforms. This can lead to a crisper appearance at the cost of less smooth movement, especially when Camera2D smoothing is enabled.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To toggle 2D vertex snapping at runtime, use RenderingServer.viewport_set_snap_2d_vertices_to_pixel on the root Viewport instead.

Note: Control nodes are snapped to the nearest pixel by default. This is controlled by gui/common/snap_controls_to_pixels.

int rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/msaa_2d<>():int

Sets the number of MSAA samples to use for 2D/Canvas rendering (as a power of two). MSAA is used to reduce aliasing around the edges of polygons. A higher MSAA value results in smoother edges but can be significantly slower on some hardware, especially integrated graphics due to their limited memory bandwidth. This has no effect on shader-induced aliasing or texture aliasing.

Note: MSAA is only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.

int rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/msaa_3d<>():int

Sets the number of MSAA samples to use for 3D rendering (as a power of two). MSAA is used to reduce aliasing around the edges of polygons. A higher MSAA value results in smoother edges but can be significantly slower on some hardware, especially integrated graphics due to their limited memory bandwidth. See also rendering/scaling_3d/mode for supersampling, which provides higher quality but is much more expensive. This has no effect on shader-induced aliasing or texture aliasing.

Note: MSAA is only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.

int rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/screen_space_aa<>():int

Sets the screen-space antialiasing mode for the default screen Viewport. Screen-space antialiasing works by selectively blurring edges in a post-process shader. It differs from MSAA which takes multiple coverage samples while rendering objects. Screen-space AA methods are typically faster than MSAA and will smooth out specular aliasing, but tend to make scenes appear blurry. The blurriness is partially counteracted by automatically using a negative mipmap LOD bias (see rendering/textures/default_filters/texture_mipmap_bias).

Another way to combat specular aliasing is to enable rendering/anti_aliasing/screen_space_roughness_limiter/enabled.

Note: Screen-space antialiasing is only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.

bool rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/use_debanding<>():bool

If true, uses a fast post-processing filter to make banding significantly less visible in 3D. 2D rendering is not affected by debanding unless the Environment.background_mode is Environment.BG_CANVAS.

In some cases, debanding may introduce a slightly noticeable dithering pattern. It's recommended to enable debanding only when actually needed since the dithering pattern will make lossless-compressed screenshots larger.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To set debanding at run-time, set Viewport.use_debanding on the root Viewport instead.

bool rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/use_taa<>():bool

Enables Temporal Anti-Aliasing for the default screen Viewport. TAA works by jittering the camera and accumulating the images of the last rendered frames, motion vector rendering is used to account for camera and object motion. Enabling TAA can make the image blurrier, which is partially counteracted by automatically using a negative mipmap LOD bias (see rendering/textures/default_filters/texture_mipmap_bias).

Note: The implementation is not complete yet. Some visual instances such as particles and skinned meshes may show ghosting artifacts in motion.

Note: TAA is only supported in the Forward+ rendering method, not Mobile or Compatibility.

float rendering/anti_aliasing/screen_space_roughness_limiter/amount<>():float

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To control the screen-space roughness limiter at runtime, call RenderingServer.screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active instead.

bool rendering/anti_aliasing/screen_space_roughness_limiter/enabled<>():bool

If true, enables a spatial filter to limit roughness in areas with high-frequency detail. This can help reduce specular aliasing to an extent, though not as much as enabling rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/use_taa. This filter has a small performance cost, so consider disabling it if it doesn't benefit your scene noticeably.

Note: The screen-space roughness limiter is only supported in the Forward+ and Mobile rendering methods, not Compatibility.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To control the screen-space roughness limiter at runtime, call RenderingServer.screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active instead.

float rendering/anti_aliasing/screen_space_roughness_limiter/limit<>():float

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To control the screen-space roughness limiter at runtime, call RenderingServer.screen_space_roughness_limiter_set_active instead.

int rendering/camera/depth_of_field/depth_of_field_bokeh_quality<>():int

Sets the quality of the depth of field effect. Higher quality takes more samples, which is slower but looks smoother.

int rendering/camera/depth_of_field/depth_of_field_bokeh_shape<>():int

Sets the depth of field shape. Can be Box, Hexagon, or Circle. Box is the fastest. Circle is the most realistic, but also the most expensive to compute.

bool rendering/camera/depth_of_field/depth_of_field_use_jitter<>():bool

If true, jitters DOF samples to make effect slightly blurrier and hide lines created from low sample rates. This can result in a slightly grainy appearance when used with a low number of samples.

String rendering/driver/depth_prepass/disable_for_vendors<>():String

Disables rendering/driver/depth_prepass/enable conditionally for certain vendors. By default, disables the depth prepass for mobile devices as mobile devices do not benefit from the depth prepass due to their unique architecture.

bool rendering/driver/depth_prepass/enable<>():bool

If true, performs a previous depth pass before rendering 3D materials. This increases performance significantly in scenes with high overdraw, when complex materials and lighting are used. However, in scenes with few occluded surfaces, the depth prepass may reduce performance. If your game is viewed from a fixed angle that makes it easy to avoid overdraw (such as top-down or side-scrolling perspective), consider disabling the depth prepass to improve performance. This setting can be changed at run-time to optimize performance depending on the scene currently being viewed.

Note: Depth prepass is only supported when using the Forward+ or Compatibility rendering method. When using the Mobile rendering method, there is no depth prepass performed.

int rendering/driver/threads/thread_model<>():int

The thread model to use for rendering. Rendering on a thread may improve performance, but synchronizing to the main thread can cause a bit more jitter.

Note: The Multi-Threaded option is experimental, and has several known bugs which can lead to crashing, especially when using particles or resizing the window. Not recommended for use in production at this stage.

Color rendering/environment/defaults/default_clear_color<>():Color

Default background clear color. Overridable per Viewport using its Environment. See Environment.background_mode and Environment.background_color in particular. To change this default color programmatically, use RenderingServer.set_default_clear_color.

String rendering/environment/defaults/default_environment<>():String

Environment that will be used as a fallback environment in case a scene does not specify its own environment. The default environment is loaded in at scene load time regardless of whether you have set an environment or not. If you do not rely on the fallback environment, you do not need to set this property.

int rendering/environment/glow/upscale_mode<>():int

Sets how the glow effect is upscaled before being copied onto the screen. Linear is faster, but looks blocky. Bicubic is slower but looks smooth.

int rendering/environment/glow/<>():int

Lower-end override for rendering/environment/glow/upscale_mode on mobile devices, due to performance concerns or driver support.

int rendering/environment/screen_space_reflection/roughness_quality<>():int

Sets the quality for rough screen-space reflections. Turning off will make all screen space reflections sharp, while higher values make rough reflections look better.

float rendering/environment/ssao/adaptive_target<>():float

Quality target to use when rendering/environment/ssao/quality is set to Ultra. A value of 0.0 provides a quality and speed similar to Medium while a value of 1.0 provides much higher quality than any of the other settings at the cost of performance.

int rendering/environment/ssao/blur_passes<>():int

Number of blur passes to use when computing screen-space ambient occlusion. A higher number will result in a smoother look, but will be slower to compute and will have less high-frequency detail.

float rendering/environment/ssao/fadeout_from<>():float

Distance at which the screen-space ambient occlusion effect starts to fade out. Use this hide ambient occlusion at great distances.

float rendering/environment/ssao/fadeout_to<>():float

Distance at which the screen-space ambient occlusion is fully faded out. Use this hide ambient occlusion at great distances.

bool rendering/environment/ssao/half_size<>():bool

If true, screen-space ambient occlusion will be rendered at half size and then upscaled before being added to the scene. This is significantly faster but may miss small details. If false, screen-space ambient occlusion will be rendered at full size.

int rendering/environment/ssao/quality<>():int

Sets the quality of the screen-space ambient occlusion effect. Higher values take more samples and so will result in better quality, at the cost of performance. Setting to Ultra will use the rendering/environment/ssao/adaptive_target setting.

float rendering/environment/ssil/adaptive_target<>():float

Quality target to use when rendering/environment/ssil/quality is set to Ultra. A value of 0.0 provides a quality and speed similar to Medium while a value of 1.0 provides much higher quality than any of the other settings at the cost of performance. When using the adaptive target, the performance cost scales with the complexity of the scene.

int rendering/environment/ssil/blur_passes<>():int

Number of blur passes to use when computing screen-space indirect lighting. A higher number will result in a smoother look, but will be slower to compute and will have less high-frequency detail.

float rendering/environment/ssil/fadeout_from<>():float

Distance at which the screen-space indirect lighting effect starts to fade out. Use this hide screen-space indirect lighting at great distances.

float rendering/environment/ssil/fadeout_to<>():float

Distance at which the screen-space indirect lighting is fully faded out. Use this hide screen-space indirect lighting at great distances.

bool rendering/environment/ssil/half_size<>():bool

If true, screen-space indirect lighting will be rendered at half size and then upscaled before being added to the scene. This is significantly faster but may miss small details and may result in some objects appearing to glow at their edges.

int rendering/environment/ssil/quality<>():int

Sets the quality of the screen-space indirect lighting effect. Higher values take more samples and so will result in better quality, at the cost of performance. Setting to Ultra will use the rendering/environment/ssil/adaptive_target setting.

float rendering/environment/subsurface_scattering/subsurface_scattering_depth_scale<>():float

Scales the depth over which the subsurface scattering effect is applied. A high value may allow light to scatter into a part of the mesh or another mesh that is close in screen space but far in depth. See also rendering/environment/subsurface_scattering/subsurface_scattering_scale.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To set the subsurface scattering depth scale at runtime, call RenderingServer.sub_surface_scattering_set_scale instead.

int rendering/environment/subsurface_scattering/subsurface_scattering_quality<>():int

Sets the quality of the subsurface scattering effect. Higher values are slower but look nicer. This affects the rendering of materials that have BaseMaterial3D.subsurf_scatter_enabled set to true, along with ShaderMaterials that set SSS_STRENGTH.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To set the subsurface scattering quality at runtime, call RenderingServer.sub_surface_scattering_set_quality instead.

float rendering/environment/subsurface_scattering/subsurface_scattering_scale<>():float

Scales the distance over which samples are taken for subsurface scattering effect. Changing this does not impact performance, but higher values will result in significant artifacts as the samples will become obviously spread out. A lower value results in a smaller spread of scattered light. See also rendering/environment/subsurface_scattering/subsurface_scattering_depth_scale.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To set the subsurface scattering scale at runtime, call RenderingServer.sub_surface_scattering_set_scale instead.

int rendering/environment/volumetric_fog/use_filter<>():int

Enables filtering of the volumetric fog effect prior to integration. This substantially blurs the fog which reduces fine details but also smooths out harsh edges and aliasing artifacts. Disable when more detail is required.

int rendering/environment/volumetric_fog/volume_depth<>():int

Number of slices to use along the depth of the froxel buffer for volumetric fog. A lower number will be more efficient but may result in artifacts appearing during camera movement. See also Environment.volumetric_fog_length.

int rendering/environment/volumetric_fog/volume_size<>():int

Base size used to determine size of froxel buffer in the camera X-axis and Y-axis. The final size is scaled by the aspect ratio of the screen, so actual values may differ from what is set. Set a larger size for more detailed fog, set a smaller size for better performance.

String rendering/gl_compatibility/driver<>():String

Sets the driver to be used by the renderer when using the Compatibility renderer. This property can not be edited directly, instead, set the driver using the platform-specific overrides.

String rendering/gl_compatibility/<>():String

Android override for rendering/gl_compatibility/driver.

String rendering/gl_compatibility/driver.ios<>():String

iOS override for rendering/gl_compatibility/driver.

String rendering/gl_compatibility/driver.linuxbsd<>():String

LinuxBSD override for rendering/gl_compatibility/driver.

String rendering/gl_compatibility/driver.macos<>():String

macOS override for rendering/gl_compatibility/driver.

String rendering/gl_compatibility/driver.web<>():String

Web override for rendering/gl_compatibility/driver.

String rendering/gl_compatibility/<>():String

Windows override for rendering/gl_compatibility/driver.

bool rendering/gl_compatibility/fallback_to_angle<>():bool

If true, the compatibility renderer will fall back to ANGLE if native OpenGL is not supported or the device is listed in rendering/gl_compatibility/force_angle_on_devices.

Note: This setting is implemented only on Windows.

bool rendering/gl_compatibility/fallback_to_gles<>():bool

If true, the compatibility renderer will fall back to OpenGLES if desktop OpenGL is not supported.

Note: This setting is implemented only on Linux/X11.

bool rendering/gl_compatibility/fallback_to_native<>():bool

If true, the compatibility renderer will fall back to native OpenGL if ANGLE over Metal is not supported.

Note: This setting is implemented only on macOS.

Array rendering/gl_compatibility/force_angle_on_devices<>():Array

An Array of devices which should always use the ANGLE renderer.

Each entry is a Dictionary with the following keys: vendor and name. name can be set to * to add all devices with the specified vendor.

Note: This setting is implemented only on Windows.

int rendering/gl_compatibility/item_buffer_size<>():int

Maximum number of canvas items commands that can be drawn in a single viewport update. If more render commands are issued they will be ignored. Decreasing this limit may improve performance on bandwidth limited devices. Increase this limit if you find that not all objects are being drawn in a frame.

bool rendering/gl_compatibility/nvidia_disable_threaded_optimization<>():bool

If true, disables the threaded optimization feature from the NVIDIA drivers, which are known to cause stuttering in most OpenGL applications.

Note: This setting only works on Windows, as threaded optimization is disabled by default on other platforms.

bool rendering/global_illumination/gi/use_half_resolution<>():bool

If true, renders VoxelGI and SDFGI (Environment.sdfgi_enabled) buffers at halved resolution (e.g. 960×540 when the viewport size is 1920×1080). This improves performance significantly when VoxelGI or SDFGI is enabled, at the cost of artifacts that may be visible on polygon edges. The loss in quality becomes less noticeable as the viewport resolution increases. LightmapGI rendering is not affected by this setting.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To set half-resolution GI at run-time, call RenderingServer.gi_set_use_half_resolution instead.

int rendering/global_illumination/sdfgi/frames_to_converge<>():int

The number of frames to use for converging signed distance field global illumination. Higher values lead to a less noisy result, at the cost of taking a longer time to fully converge. This means the scene's global illumination will be too dark for a longer period of time, especially when the camera moves fast. The actual convergence speed depends on rendered framerate. For example, with the default setting of 30 frames, rendering at 60 FPS will make SDFGI fully converge after 0.5 seconds. See also rendering/global_illumination/sdfgi/frames_to_update_lights and rendering/global_illumination/sdfgi/probe_ray_count.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To control SDFGI convergence speed at runtime, call RenderingServer.environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_converge instead.

int rendering/global_illumination/sdfgi/frames_to_update_lights<>():int

The number of frames over which dynamic lights should be updated in signed distance field global illumination. Higher values take more time to update indirect lighting coming from dynamic lights, but result in better performance when many dynamic lights are present. See also rendering/global_illumination/sdfgi/frames_to_converge and rendering/global_illumination/sdfgi/probe_ray_count.

Note: This only affects Light3D nodes whose Light3D.light_bake_mode is Light3D.BAKE_DYNAMIC (which is the default). Consider making non-moving lights use the Light3D.BAKE_STATIC bake mode to improve performance.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To control SDFGI light update speed at runtime, call RenderingServer.environment_set_sdfgi_frames_to_update_light instead.

int rendering/global_illumination/sdfgi/probe_ray_count<>():int

The number of rays to throw per frame when computing signed distance field global illumination. Higher values lead to a less noisy result, at the cost of performance. See also rendering/global_illumination/sdfgi/frames_to_converge and rendering/global_illumination/sdfgi/frames_to_update_lights.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To control SDFGI quality at runtime, call RenderingServer.environment_set_sdfgi_ray_count instead.

int rendering/global_illumination/voxel_gi/quality<>():int

The VoxelGI quality to use. High quality leads to more precise lighting and better reflections, but is slower to render. This setting does not affect the baked data and doesn't require baking the VoxelGI again to apply.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To control VoxelGI quality at runtime, call RenderingServer.voxel_gi_set_quality instead.

int rendering/lightmapping/bake_performance/max_rays_per_pass<>():int

The maximum number of rays that can be thrown per pass when baking lightmaps with LightmapGI. Depending on the scene, adjusting this value may result in higher GPU utilization when baking lightmaps, leading to faster bake times.

int rendering/lightmapping/bake_performance/max_rays_per_probe_pass<>():int

The maximum number of rays that can be thrown per pass when baking dynamic object lighting in LightmapProbes with LightmapGI. Depending on the scene, adjusting this value may result in higher GPU utilization when baking lightmaps, leading to faster bake times.

int rendering/lightmapping/bake_performance/region_size<>():int

The region size to use when baking lightmaps with LightmapGI.

int rendering/lightmapping/bake_quality/high_quality_probe_ray_count<>():int

The number of rays to use for baking dynamic object lighting in LightmapProbes when LightmapGI.quality is LightmapGI.BAKE_QUALITY_HIGH.

int rendering/lightmapping/bake_quality/high_quality_ray_count<>():int

The number of rays to use for baking lightmaps with LightmapGI when LightmapGI.quality is LightmapGI.BAKE_QUALITY_HIGH.

int rendering/lightmapping/bake_quality/low_quality_probe_ray_count<>():int

The number of rays to use for baking dynamic object lighting in LightmapProbes when LightmapGI.quality is LightmapGI.BAKE_QUALITY_LOW.

int rendering/lightmapping/bake_quality/low_quality_ray_count<>():int

The number of rays to use for baking lightmaps with LightmapGI when LightmapGI.quality is LightmapGI.BAKE_QUALITY_LOW.

int rendering/lightmapping/bake_quality/medium_quality_probe_ray_count<>():int

The number of rays to use for baking dynamic object lighting in LightmapProbes when LightmapGI.quality is LightmapGI.BAKE_QUALITY_MEDIUM.

int rendering/lightmapping/bake_quality/medium_quality_ray_count<>():int

The number of rays to use for baking lightmaps with LightmapGI when LightmapGI.quality is LightmapGI.BAKE_QUALITY_MEDIUM.

int rendering/lightmapping/bake_quality/ultra_quality_probe_ray_count<>():int

The number of rays to use for baking dynamic object lighting in LightmapProbes when LightmapGI.quality is LightmapGI.BAKE_QUALITY_ULTRA.

int rendering/lightmapping/bake_quality/ultra_quality_ray_count<>():int

The number of rays to use for baking lightmaps with LightmapGI when LightmapGI.quality is LightmapGI.BAKE_QUALITY_ULTRA.

int rendering/lightmapping/denoising/denoiser<>():int

Denoiser tool used for denoising lightmaps.

Using OpenImageDenoise (OIDN) requires configuring a path to an OIDN executable in the editor settings at EditorSettings.filesystem/tools/oidn/oidn_denoise_path. OIDN can be downloaded from OpenImageDenoise's downloads page.

OIDN will use GPU acceleration when available. Unlike JNLM which uses compute shaders for acceleration, OIDN uses vendor-specific acceleration methods. For GPU acceleration to be available, the following libraries must be installed on the system depending on your GPU:

  • NVIDIA GPUs: CUDA libraries

  • AMD GPUs: HIP libraries

  • Intel GPUs: SYCL libraries

If no GPU acceleration is configured on the system, multi-threaded CPU-based denoising will be performed instead. This CPU-based denoising is significantly slower than the JNLM denoiser in most cases.

float rendering/lightmapping/primitive_meshes/texel_size<>():float

The texel_size that is used to calculate the Mesh.lightmap_size_hint on PrimitiveMesh resources if PrimitiveMesh.add_uv2 is enabled.

float rendering/lightmapping/probe_capture/update_speed<>():float

The framerate-independent update speed when representing dynamic object lighting from LightmapProbes. Higher values make dynamic object lighting update faster. Higher values can prevent fast-moving objects from having "outdated" indirect lighting displayed on them, at the cost of possible flickering when an object moves from a bright area to a shaded area.

bool rendering/lights_and_shadows/directional_shadow/16_bits<>():bool

Use 16 bits for the directional shadow depth map. Enabling this results in shadows having less precision and may result in shadow acne, but can lead to performance improvements on some devices.

int rendering/lights_and_shadows/directional_shadow/size<>():int

The directional shadow's size in pixels. Higher values will result in sharper shadows, at the cost of performance. The value is rounded up to the nearest power of 2.

int rendering/lights_and_shadows/directional_shadow/<>():int

Lower-end override for rendering/lights_and_shadows/directional_shadow/size on mobile devices, due to performance concerns or driver support.

int rendering/lights_and_shadows/directional_shadow/soft_shadow_filter_quality<>():int

Quality setting for shadows cast by DirectionalLight3Ds. Higher quality settings use more samples when reading from shadow maps and are thus slower. Low quality settings may result in shadows looking grainy.

Note: The Soft Very Low setting will automatically multiply constant shadow blur by 0.75x to reduce the amount of noise visible. This automatic blur change only affects the constant blur factor defined in Light3D.shadow_blur, not the variable blur performed by DirectionalLight3Ds' Light3D.light_angular_distance.

Note: The Soft High and Soft Ultra settings will automatically multiply constant shadow blur by 1.5× and 2× respectively to make better use of the increased sample count. This increased blur also improves stability of dynamic object shadows.

int rendering/lights_and_shadows/directional_shadow/<>():int

Lower-end override for rendering/lights_and_shadows/directional_shadow/soft_shadow_filter_quality on mobile devices, due to performance concerns or driver support.

bool rendering/lights_and_shadows/positional_shadow/atlas_16_bits<>():bool

Use 16 bits for the omni/spot shadow depth map. Enabling this results in shadows having less precision and may result in shadow acne, but can lead to performance improvements on some devices.

int rendering/lights_and_shadows/positional_shadow/atlas_quadrant_0_subdiv<>():int

Subdivision quadrant size for shadow mapping. See shadow mapping documentation.

int rendering/lights_and_shadows/positional_shadow/atlas_quadrant_1_subdiv<>():int

Subdivision quadrant size for shadow mapping. See shadow mapping documentation.

int rendering/lights_and_shadows/positional_shadow/atlas_quadrant_2_subdiv<>():int

Subdivision quadrant size for shadow mapping. See shadow mapping documentation.

int rendering/lights_and_shadows/positional_shadow/atlas_quadrant_3_subdiv<>():int

Subdivision quadrant size for shadow mapping. See shadow mapping documentation.

int rendering/lights_and_shadows/positional_shadow/atlas_size<>():int

Size for shadow atlas (used for OmniLights and SpotLights). See documentation.

int rendering/lights_and_shadows/positional_shadow/<>():int

Lower-end override for rendering/lights_and_shadows/positional_shadow/atlas_size on mobile devices, due to performance concerns or driver support.

int rendering/lights_and_shadows/positional_shadow/soft_shadow_filter_quality<>():int

Quality setting for shadows cast by OmniLight3Ds and SpotLight3Ds. Higher quality settings use more samples when reading from shadow maps and are thus slower. Low quality settings may result in shadows looking grainy.

Note: The Soft Very Low setting will automatically multiply constant shadow blur by 0.75x to reduce the amount of noise visible. This automatic blur change only affects the constant blur factor defined in Light3D.shadow_blur, not the variable blur performed by DirectionalLight3Ds' Light3D.light_angular_distance.

Note: The Soft High and Soft Ultra settings will automatically multiply shadow blur by 1.5× and 2× respectively to make better use of the increased sample count. This increased blur also improves stability of dynamic object shadows.

int rendering/lights_and_shadows/positional_shadow/<>():int

Lower-end override for rendering/lights_and_shadows/positional_shadow/soft_shadow_filter_quality on mobile devices, due to performance concerns or driver support.

bool rendering/lights_and_shadows/tighter_shadow_caster_culling<>():bool

If true, items that cannot cast shadows into the view frustum will not be rendered into shadow maps.

This can increase performance.

bool rendering/lights_and_shadows/use_physical_light_units<>():bool

Enables the use of physically based units for light sources. Physically based units tend to be much larger than the arbitrary units used by Godot, but they can be used to match lighting within Godot to real-world lighting. Due to the large dynamic range of lighting conditions present in nature, Godot bakes exposure into the various lighting quantities before rendering. Most light sources bake exposure automatically at run time based on the active CameraAttributes resource, but LightmapGI and VoxelGI require a CameraAttributes resource to be set at bake time to reduce the dynamic range. At run time, Godot will automatically reconcile the baked exposure with the active exposure to ensure lighting remains consistent.

float rendering/limits/cluster_builder/max_clustered_elements<>():float

The maximum number of clustered elements (OmniLight3D + SpotLight3D + Decal + ReflectionProbe) that can be rendered at once in the camera view. If there are more clustered elements present in the camera view, some of them will not be rendered (leading to pop-in during camera movement). Enabling distance fade on lights and decals (Light3D.distance_fade_enabled, Decal.distance_fade_enabled) can help avoid reaching this limit.

Decreasing this value may improve GPU performance on certain setups, even if the maximum number of clustered elements is never reached in the project.

Note: This setting is only effective when using the Forward+ rendering method, not Mobile and Compatibility.

int rendering/limits/global_shader_variables/buffer_size<>():int

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

int rendering/limits/opengl/max_lights_per_object<>():int

Max number of omnilights and spotlights renderable per object. At the default value of 8, this means that each surface can be affected by up to 8 omnilights and 8 spotlights. This is further limited by hardware support and rendering/limits/opengl/max_renderable_lights. Setting this low will slightly reduce memory usage, may decrease shader compile times, and may result in faster rendering on low-end, mobile, or web devices.

Note: This setting is only effective when using the Compatibility rendering method, not Forward+ and Mobile.

int rendering/limits/opengl/max_renderable_elements<>():int

Max number of elements renderable in a frame. If more elements than this are visible per frame, they will not be drawn. Keep in mind elements refer to mesh surfaces and not meshes themselves. Setting this low will slightly reduce memory usage and may decrease shader compile times, particularly on web. For most uses, the default value is suitable, but consider lowering as much as possible on web export.

Note: This setting is only effective when using the Compatibility rendering method, not Forward+ and Mobile.

int rendering/limits/opengl/max_renderable_lights<>():int

Max number of positional lights renderable in a frame. If more lights than this number are used, they will be ignored. Setting this low will slightly reduce memory usage and may decrease shader compile times, particularly on web. For most uses, the default value is suitable, but consider lowering as much as possible on web export.

Note: This setting is only effective when using the Compatibility rendering method, not Forward+ and Mobile.

int rendering/limits/spatial_indexer/threaded_cull_minimum_instances<>():int

The minimum number of instances that must be present in a scene to enable culling computations on multiple threads. If a scene has fewer instances than this number, culling is done on a single thread.

int rendering/limits/spatial_indexer/update_iterations_per_frame<>():int

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

float rendering/limits/time/time_rollover_secs<>():float

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

float rendering/mesh_lod/lod_change/threshold_pixels<>():float

The automatic LOD bias to use for meshes rendered within the ReflectionProbe. Higher values will use less detailed versions of meshes that have LOD variations generated. If set to 0.0, automatic LOD is disabled. Increase rendering/mesh_lod/lod_change/threshold_pixels to improve performance at the cost of geometry detail.

Note: rendering/mesh_lod/lod_change/threshold_pixels does not affect GeometryInstance3D visibility ranges (also known as "manual" LOD or hierarchical LOD).

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To adjust the automatic LOD threshold at runtime, set Viewport.mesh_lod_threshold on the root Viewport.

int rendering/occlusion_culling/bvh_build_quality<>():int

The Bounding Volume Hierarchy quality to use when rendering the occlusion culling buffer. Higher values will result in more accurate occlusion culling, at the cost of higher CPU usage. See also rendering/occlusion_culling/occlusion_rays_per_thread.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To adjust the BVH build quality at runtime, use RenderingServer.viewport_set_occlusion_culling_build_quality.

int rendering/occlusion_culling/occlusion_rays_per_thread<>():int

The number of occlusion rays traced per CPU thread. Higher values will result in more accurate occlusion culling, at the cost of higher CPU usage. The occlusion culling buffer's pixel count is roughly equal to occlusion_rays_per_thread * number_of_logical_cpu_cores, so it will depend on the system's CPU. Therefore, CPUs with fewer cores will use a lower resolution to attempt keeping performance costs even across devices. See also rendering/occlusion_culling/bvh_build_quality.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. To adjust the number of occlusion rays traced per thread at runtime, use RenderingServer.viewport_set_occlusion_rays_per_thread.

bool rendering/occlusion_culling/use_occlusion_culling<>():bool

If true, OccluderInstance3D nodes will be usable for occlusion culling in 3D in the root viewport. In custom viewports, Viewport.use_occlusion_culling must be set to true instead.

Note: Enabling occlusion culling has a cost on the CPU. Only enable occlusion culling if you actually plan to use it. Large open scenes with few or no objects blocking the view will generally not benefit much from occlusion culling. Large open scenes generally benefit more from mesh LOD and visibility ranges (GeometryInstance3D.visibility_range_begin and GeometryInstance3D.visibility_range_end) compared to occlusion culling.

Note: Due to memory constraints, occlusion culling is not supported by default in Web export templates. It can be enabled by compiling custom Web export templates with module_raycast_enabled=yes.

int rendering/reflections/reflection_atlas/reflection_count<>():int

Number of cubemaps to store in the reflection atlas. The number of ReflectionProbes in a scene will be limited by this amount. A higher number requires more VRAM.

int rendering/reflections/reflection_atlas/reflection_size<>():int

Size of cubemap faces for ReflectionProbes. A higher number requires more VRAM and may make reflection probe updating slower.

int rendering/reflections/reflection_atlas/<>():int

Lower-end override for rendering/reflections/reflection_atlas/reflection_size on mobile devices, due to performance concerns or driver support.

bool rendering/reflections/sky_reflections/fast_filter_high_quality<>():bool

Use a higher quality variant of the fast filtering algorithm. Significantly slower than using default quality, but results in smoother reflections. Should only be used when the scene is especially detailed.

int rendering/reflections/sky_reflections/ggx_samples<>():int

Sets the number of samples to take when using importance sampling for Skys and ReflectionProbes. A higher value will result in smoother, higher quality reflections, but increases time to calculate radiance maps. In general, fewer samples are needed for simpler, low dynamic range environments while more samples are needed for HDR environments and environments with a high level of detail.

int rendering/reflections/sky_reflections/<>():int

Lower-end override for rendering/reflections/sky_reflections/ggx_samples on mobile devices, due to performance concerns or driver support.

int rendering/reflections/sky_reflections/roughness_layers<>():int

Limits the number of layers to use in radiance maps when using importance sampling. A lower number will be slightly faster and take up less VRAM.

bool rendering/reflections/sky_reflections/texture_array_reflections<>():bool

If true, uses texture arrays instead of mipmaps for reflection probes and panorama backgrounds (sky). This reduces jitter noise and upscaling artifacts on reflections, but is significantly slower to compute and uses rendering/reflections/sky_reflections/roughness_layers times more memory.

bool rendering/reflections/sky_reflections/<>():bool

Lower-end override for rendering/reflections/sky_reflections/texture_array_reflections on mobile devices, due to performance concerns or driver support.

String rendering/renderer/rendering_method<>():String

Sets the renderer that will be used by the project. Options are:

Forward Plus: High-end renderer designed for Desktop devices. Has a higher base overhead, but scales well with complex scenes. Not suitable for older devices or mobile.

Mobile: Modern renderer designed for mobile devices. Has a lower base overhead than Forward Plus, but does not scale as well to large scenes with many elements.

GL Compatibility: Low-end renderer designed for older devices. Based on the limitations of the OpenGL 3.3/ OpenGL ES 3.0 / WebGL 2 APIs.

String rendering/renderer/<>():String

Override for rendering/renderer/rendering_method on mobile devices.

String rendering/renderer/rendering_method.web<>():String

Override for rendering/renderer/rendering_method on web.

int rendering/rendering_device/d3d12/agility_sdk_version<>():int

Version code of the Direct3D 12 Agility SDK to use (D3D12SDKVersion).

int rendering/rendering_device/d3d12/max_misc_descriptors_per_frame<>():int

The number of entries in the miscellaneous descriptors heap the Direct3D 12 rendering driver uses each frame, used for various operations like clearing a texture.

Depending on the complexity of scenes, this value may be lowered or may need to be raised.

int rendering/rendering_device/d3d12/max_resource_descriptors_per_frame<>():int

The number of entries in the resource descriptors heap the Direct3D 12 rendering driver uses each frame, used for most rendering operations.

Depending on the complexity of scenes, this value may be lowered or may need to be raised.

int rendering/rendering_device/d3d12/max_sampler_descriptors_per_frame<>():int

The number of entries in the sampler descriptors heap the Direct3D 12 rendering driver uses each frame, used for most rendering operations.

Depending on the complexity of scenes, this value may be lowered or may need to be raised.

String rendering/rendering_device/driver<>():String

Sets the driver to be used by the renderer when using a RenderingDevice-based renderer like the clustered renderer or the mobile renderer. This property can not be edited directly, instead, set the driver using the platform-specific overrides.

String rendering/rendering_device/<>():String

Android override for rendering/rendering_device/driver.

String rendering/rendering_device/driver.ios<>():String

iOS override for rendering/rendering_device/driver.

String rendering/rendering_device/driver.linuxbsd<>():String

LinuxBSD override for rendering/rendering_device/driver.

String rendering/rendering_device/driver.macos<>():String

macOS override for rendering/rendering_device/driver.

String rendering/rendering_device/<>():String

Windows override for rendering/rendering_device/driver.

float rendering/rendering_device/pipeline_cache/save_chunk_size_mb<>():float

Determines at which interval pipeline cache is saved to disk. The lower the value, the more often it is saved.

int rendering/rendering_device/staging_buffer/block_size_kb<>():int

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

int rendering/rendering_device/staging_buffer/max_size_mb<>():int

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

int rendering/rendering_device/staging_buffer/texture_upload_region_size_px<>():int

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

int rendering/rendering_device/vulkan/max_descriptors_per_pool<>():int

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

float rendering/scaling_3d/fsr_sharpness<>():float

Determines how sharp the upscaled image will be when using the FSR upscaling mode. Sharpness halves with every whole number. Values go from 0.0 (sharpest) to 2.0. Values above 2.0 won't make a visible difference.

int rendering/scaling_3d/mode<>():int

Sets the scaling 3D mode. Bilinear scaling renders at different resolution to either undersample or supersample the viewport. FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0, abbreviated to FSR, is an upscaling technology that produces high quality images at fast framerates by using a spatially-aware upscaling algorithm. FSR is slightly more expensive than bilinear, but it produces significantly higher image quality. On particularly low-end GPUs, the added cost of FSR may not be worth it (compared to using bilinear scaling with a slightly higher resolution scale to match performance).

Note: FSR is only effective when using the Forward+ rendering method, not Mobile or Compatibility. If using an incompatible rendering method, FSR will fall back to bilinear scaling.

float rendering/scaling_3d/scale<>():float

Scales the 3D render buffer based on the viewport size uses an image filter specified in rendering/scaling_3d/mode to scale the output image to the full viewport size. Values lower than 1.0 can be used to speed up 3D rendering at the cost of quality (undersampling). Values greater than 1.0 are only valid for bilinear mode and can be used to improve 3D rendering quality at a high performance cost (supersampling). See also rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/msaa_3d for multi-sample antialiasing, which is significantly cheaper but only smooths the edges of polygons.

bool rendering/shader_compiler/shader_cache/compress<>():bool

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

bool rendering/shader_compiler/shader_cache/enabled<>():bool

Enable the shader cache, which stores compiled shaders to disk to prevent stuttering from shader compilation the next time the shader is needed.

bool rendering/shader_compiler/shader_cache/strip_debug<>():bool

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

bool rendering/shader_compiler/shader_cache/strip_debug.release<>():bool

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

bool rendering/shader_compiler/shader_cache/use_zstd_compression<>():bool

There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!

bool rendering/shading/overrides/force_lambert_over_burley<>():bool

If true, uses faster but lower-quality Lambert material lighting model instead of Burley.

bool rendering/shading/overrides/<>():bool

Lower-end override for rendering/shading/overrides/force_lambert_over_burley on mobile devices, due to performance concerns or driver support.

bool rendering/shading/overrides/force_vertex_shading<>():bool

If true, forces vertex shading for all rendering. This can increase performance a lot, but also reduces quality immensely. Can be used to optimize performance on low-end mobile devices.

Note: This setting currently has no effect, as vertex shading is not implemented yet.

bool rendering/shading/overrides/<>():bool

Lower-end override for rendering/shading/overrides/force_vertex_shading on mobile devices, due to performance concerns or driver support.

Note: This setting currently has no effect, as vertex shading is not implemented yet.

int rendering/textures/canvas_textures/default_texture_filter<>():int

The default texture filtering mode to use on CanvasItems.

int rendering/textures/canvas_textures/default_texture_repeat<>():int

The default texture repeating mode to use on CanvasItems.

int rendering/textures/decals/filter<>():int

The filtering quality to use for Decal nodes. When using one of the anisotropic filtering modes, the anisotropic filtering level is controlled by rendering/textures/default_filters/anisotropic_filtering_level.

int rendering/textures/default_filters/anisotropic_filtering_level<>():int

Sets the maximum number of samples to take when using anisotropic filtering on textures (as a power of two). A higher sample count will result in sharper textures at oblique angles, but is more expensive to compute. A value of 0 forcibly disables anisotropic filtering, even on materials where it is enabled.

The anisotropic filtering level also affects decals and light projectors if they are configured to use anisotropic filtering. See rendering/textures/decals/filter and rendering/textures/light_projectors/filter.

Note: For performance reasons, anisotropic filtering is not enabled by default on 2D and 3D materials. For this setting to have an effect in 3D, set BaseMaterial3D.texture_filter to BaseMaterial3D.TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS_ANISOTROPIC or BaseMaterial3D.TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST_WITH_MIPMAPS_ANISOTROPIC on materials. For this setting to have an effect in 2D, set CanvasItem.texture_filter to CanvasItem.TEXTURE_FILTER_LINEAR_WITH_MIPMAPS_ANISOTROPIC or CanvasItem.TEXTURE_FILTER_NEAREST_WITH_MIPMAPS_ANISOTROPIC on the CanvasItem node displaying the texture (or in CanvasTexture). However, anisotropic filtering is rarely useful in 2D, so only enable it for textures in 2D if it makes a meaningful visual difference.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. There is currently no way to change this setting at run-time.

float rendering/textures/default_filters/texture_mipmap_bias<>():float

Affects the final texture sharpness by reading from a lower or higher mipmap (also called "texture LOD bias"). Negative values make mipmapped textures sharper but grainier when viewed at a distance, while positive values make mipmapped textures blurrier (even when up close).

Enabling temporal antialiasing (rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/use_taa) will automatically apply a -0.5 offset to this value, while enabling FXAA (rendering/anti_aliasing/quality/screen_space_aa) will automatically apply a -0.25 offset to this value. If both TAA and FXAA are enabled at the same time, an offset of -0.75 is applied to this value.

Note: If rendering/scaling_3d/scale is lower than 1.0 (exclusive), rendering/textures/default_filters/texture_mipmap_bias is used to adjust the automatic mipmap bias which is calculated internally based on the scale factor. The formula for this is log2(scaling_3d_scale) + mipmap_bias.

bool rendering/textures/default_filters/use_nearest_mipmap_filter<>():bool

If true, uses nearest-neighbor mipmap filtering when using mipmaps (also called "bilinear filtering"), which will result in visible seams appearing between mipmap stages. This may increase performance in mobile as less memory bandwidth is used. If false, linear mipmap filtering (also called "trilinear filtering") is used.

Note: This property is only read when the project starts. There is currently no way to change this setting at run-time.

int rendering/textures/light_projectors/filter<>():int

The filtering quality to use for OmniLight3D and SpotLight3D projectors. When using one of the anisotropic filtering modes, the anisotropic filtering level is controlled by rendering/textures/default_filters/anisotropic_filtering_level.

bool rendering/textures/lossless_compression/force_png<>():bool

If true, the texture importer will import lossless textures using the PNG format. Otherwise, it will default to using WebP.

bool rendering/textures/vram_compression/import_etc2_astc<>():bool

If true, the texture importer will import VRAM-compressed textures using the Ericsson Texture Compression 2 algorithm for lower quality textures and normal maps and Adaptable Scalable Texture Compression algorithm for high quality textures (in 4x4 block size).

Note: This setting is an override. The texture importer will always import the format the host platform needs, even if this is set to false.

Note: Changing this setting does not impact textures that were already imported before. To make this setting apply to textures that were already imported, exit the editor, remove the .godot/imported/ folder located inside the project folder then restart the editor (see application/config/use_hidden_project_data_directory).

bool rendering/textures/vram_compression/import_s3tc_bptc<>():bool

If true, the texture importer will import VRAM-compressed textures using the S3 Texture Compression algorithm (DXT1-5) for lower quality textures and the BPTC algorithm (BC6H and BC7) for high quality textures. This algorithm is only supported on PC desktop platforms and consoles.

Note: This setting is an override. The texture importer will always import the format the host platform needs, even if this is set to false.

Note: Changing this setting does not impact textures that were already imported before. To make this setting apply to textures that were already imported, exit the editor, remove the .godot/imported/ folder located inside the project folder then restart the editor (see application/config/use_hidden_project_data_directory).

int rendering/textures/webp_compression/compression_method<>():int

The default compression method for WebP. Affects both lossy and lossless WebP. A higher value results in smaller files at the cost of compression speed. Decompression speed is mostly unaffected by the compression method. Supported values are 0 to 6. Note that compression methods above 4 are very slow and offer very little savings.

float rendering/textures/webp_compression/lossless_compression_factor<>():float

The default compression factor for lossless WebP. Decompression speed is mostly unaffected by the compression factor. Supported values are 0 to 100.

bool rendering/viewport/hdr_2d<>():bool

If true, enables Viewport.use_hdr_2d on the root viewport. This allows 2D rendering to take advantage of effects requiring high dynamic range (e.g. 2D glow).

bool rendering/viewport/transparent_background<>():bool

If true, enables Viewport.transparent_bg on the root viewport. This allows per-pixel transparency to be effective after also enabling display/window/size/transparent and display/window/per_pixel_transparency/allowed.

int rendering/vrs/mode<>():int

Set the default Variable Rate Shading (VRS) mode for the main viewport. See Viewport.vrs_mode to change this at runtime, and VRSMode for possible values.

String rendering/vrs/texture<>():String

If rendering/vrs/mode is set to Texture, this is the path to default texture loaded as the VRS image.

The texture must use a lossless compression format so that colors can be matched precisely. The following VRS densities are mapped to various colors, with brighter colors representing a lower level of shading precision:

- 1x1 = rgb(0, 0, 0) - #000000 - 1x2 = rgb(0, 85, 0) - #005500 - 2x1 = rgb(85, 0, 0) - #550000 - 2x2 = rgb(85, 85, 0) - #555500 - 2x4 = rgb(85, 170, 0) - #55aa00 - 4x2 = rgb(170, 85, 0) - #aa5500 - 4x4 = rgb(170, 170, 0) - #aaaa00 - 4x8 = rgb(170, 255, 0) - #aaff00 - Not supported on most hardware - 8x4 = rgb(255, 170, 0) - #ffaa00 - Not supported on most hardware - 8x8 = rgb(255, 255, 0) - #ffff00 - Not supported on most hardware
float threading/worker_pool/low_priority_thread_ratio<>():float

The ratio of WorkerThreadPool's threads that will be reserved for low-priority tasks. For example, if 10 threads are available and this value is set to 0.3, 3 of the worker threads will be reserved for low-priority tasks. The actual value won't exceed the number of CPU cores minus one, and if possible, at least one worker thread will be dedicated to low-priority tasks.

int threading/worker_pool/max_threads<>():int

Maximum number of threads to be used by WorkerThreadPool. Value of -1 means no limit.

String xr/openxr/default_action_map<>():String

Action map configuration to load by default.

bool xr/openxr/enabled<>():bool

If true, Godot will setup and initialize OpenXR on startup.

int xr/openxr/environment_blend_mode<>():int

Specify how OpenXR should blend in the environment. This is specific to certain AR and passthrough devices where camera images are blended in by the XR compositor.

bool xr/openxr/extensions/eye_gaze_interaction<>():bool

Specify whether to enable eye tracking for this project. Depending on the platform, additional export configuration may be needed.

bool xr/openxr/extensions/hand_tracking<>():bool

If true we enable the hand tracking extension if available.

int xr/openxr/form_factor<>():int

Specify whether OpenXR should be configured for an HMD or a hand held device.

bool xr/openxr/foveation_dynamic<>():bool

If true and foveation is supported, will automatically adjust foveation level based on framerate up to the level set on xr/openxr/foveation_level.

Note: Only works on compatibility renderer.

int xr/openxr/foveation_level<>():int

Applied foveation level if supported: 0 = off, 1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high.

Note: Only works on compatibility renderer.

int xr/openxr/reference_space<>():int

Specify the default reference space.

bool xr/openxr/startup_alert<>():bool

If true, Godot will display an alert modal when OpenXR initialization fails on startup.

bool xr/openxr/submit_depth_buffer<>():bool

If true, OpenXR will manage the depth buffer and use the depth buffer for advanced reprojection provided this is supported by the XR runtime. Note that some rendering features in Godot can't be used with this feature.

int xr/openxr/view_configuration<>():int

Specify the view configuration with which to configure OpenXR setting up either Mono or Stereo rendering.

bool xr/shaders/enabled<>():bool

If true, Godot will compile shaders required for XR.

void add_property_info<>( Dictionary hint=, hint:Dictionary=, ):void

Adds a custom property info to a property. The dictionary must contain:


ProjectSettings.set("category/property_name", 0) var property_info = { "name": "category/property_name", "type": TYPE_INT, "hint": PROPERTY_HINT_ENUM, "hint_string": "one,two,three" } ProjectSettings.add_property_info(property_info)
void clear<>( String name=, name:String=, ):void

Clears the whole configuration (not recommended, may break things).

Dictionary[] get_global_class_list<>():Dictionary[]

Returns an Array of registered global classes. Each global class is represented as a Dictionary that contains the following entries:

  • base is a name of the base class;

  • class is a name of the registered global class;

  • icon is a path to a custom icon of the global class, if it has any;

  • language is a name of a programming language in which the global class is written;

  • path is a path to a file containing the global class.

Note: Both the script and the icon paths are local to the project filesystem, i.e. they start with res://.

int get_order<>( String name=, name:String=, ):int

Returns the order of a configuration value (influences when saved to the config file).

Variant get_setting<>( String name=, name:String=, Variant default_value=null, default_value:Variant=null, ):Variant

Returns the value of the setting identified by name. If the setting doesn't exist and default_value is specified, the value of default_value is returned. Otherwise, null is returned.


print(ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/name")) print(ProjectSettings.get_setting("application/config/custom_description", "No description specified."))

Note: This method doesn't take potential feature overrides into account automatically. Use get_setting_with_override to handle seamlessly.

Variant get_setting_with_override<>( StringName name=, name:StringName=, ):Variant

Similar to get_setting, but applies feature tag overrides if any exists and is valid.


If the following setting override exists "application/config/", and the following code is executed:


Then the overridden setting will be returned instead if the project is running on the Windows operating system.

String globalize_path<>( String path=, path:String=, ):String

Returns the absolute, native OS path corresponding to the localized path (starting with res:// or user://). The returned path will vary depending on the operating system and user preferences. See File paths in Godot projects to see what those paths convert to. See also localize_path.

Note: globalize_path with res:// will not work in an exported project. Instead, prepend the executable's base directory to the path when running from an exported project:

var path = "" if OS.has_feature("editor"): # Running from an editor binary. # `path` will contain the absolute path to `hello.txt` located in the project root. path = ProjectSettings.globalize_path("res://hello.txt") else: # Running from an exported project. # `path` will contain the absolute path to `hello.txt` next to the executable. # This is *not* identical to using `ProjectSettings.globalize_path()` with a `res://` path, # but is close enough in spirit. path = OS.get_executable_path().get_base_dir().path_join("hello.txt")
bool has_setting<>( String name=, name:String=, ):bool

Returns true if a configuration value is present.

bool load_resource_pack<>( String pack=, pack:String=, bool replace_files=true, replace_files:bool=true, int offset=0, offset:int=0, ):bool

Loads the contents of the .pck or .zip file specified by pack into the resource filesystem (res://). Returns true on success.

Note: If a file from pack shares the same path as a file already in the resource filesystem, any attempts to load that file will use the file from pack unless replace_files is set to false.

Note: The optional offset parameter can be used to specify the offset in bytes to the start of the resource pack. This is only supported for .pck files.

String localize_path<>( String path=, path:String=, ):String

Returns the localized path (starting with res://) corresponding to the absolute, native OS path. See also globalize_path.

Error save<>():Error

Saves the configuration to the project.godot file.

Note: This method is intended to be used by editor plugins, as modified ProjectSettings can't be loaded back in the running app. If you want to change project settings in exported projects, use save_custom to save override.cfg file.

Error save_custom<>( String file=, file:String=, ):Error

Saves the configuration to a custom file. The file extension must be .godot (to save in text-based ConfigFile format) or .binary (to save in binary format). You can also save override.cfg file, which is also text, but can be used in exported projects unlike other formats.

void set_as_basic<>( String name=, name:String=, bool basic=, basic:bool=, ):void

Defines if the specified setting is considered basic or advanced. Basic settings will always be shown in the project settings. Advanced settings will only be shown if the user enables the "Advanced Settings" option.

void set_as_internal<>( String name=, name:String=, bool internal=, internal:bool=, ):void

Defines if the specified setting is considered internal. An internal setting won't show up in the Project Settings dialog. This is mostly useful for addons that need to store their own internal settings without exposing them directly to the user.

void set_initial_value<>( String name=, name:String=, Variant value=, value:Variant=, ):void

Sets the specified setting's initial value. This is the value the setting reverts to.

void set_order<>( String name=, name:String=, int position=, position:int=, ):void

Sets the order of a configuration value (influences when saved to the config file).

void set_restart_if_changed<>( String name=, name:String=, bool restart=, restart:bool=, ):void

Sets whether a setting requires restarting the editor to properly take effect.

Note: This is just a hint to display to the user that the editor must be restarted for changes to take effect. Enabling set_restart_if_changed does not delay the setting being set when changed.

void set_setting<>( String name=, name:String=, Variant value=, value:Variant=, ):void

Sets the value of a setting.


ProjectSettings.set_setting("application/config/name", "Example")

This can also be used to erase custom project settings. To do this change the setting value to null.

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